Vuselela College Jouberton

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Vuselela College Jouberton

The following are the programms/courses offered at Vuselela College Jouberton

  • Electrical Infrastructure Construction
  • IT & Computer Science
  • Civil Engineering & Building Construction

Entry Requirements

The National Certificate (Vocational) is a year programme at Levels 2, 3 and 4 of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Each level takes a full year of study and is make up of seven subjects which are 3 Fundamental Subjects and 4 Vocational Subjects. It is a modern qualification that concentrates on providing theoretical and practical training. The NC(V) programme provides experience in the workplace environment. The qualification also provides an opportunity to enter higher education studies subject to appropriate subject combinations and the requirements of the University.
A Grade 9 Certificate or higher qualification, but preferably a Grade 10 or Grade 11 Certificate.

Registration date: January of each year

Subjects: The 3 fundamental subjects are:
1. English First Additional Language
2. Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
3. Life Orientation (includes computer literacy)

  • Civil Engineering N1-N6
  • Electrical Engineering N1-N6
  • Mechanical Engineering N1-N6

Entry Requirements

This qualification is designed to provide both the theory and practice of the specific programme. The practical component of study may be offered in a real workplace environment or in a simulated workplace environment. It will provide students with an opportunity to experience work situations during the period of study.

Business & Utility Studies: Grade 12 Certificate OR applicable N3 Certificate OR applicable NQF Level 4 qualification

Engineering Studies:  Gr 9-11 for N1 with letter from employer
Gr 12 or N1 with relevant technical subjects for N2/N3

Registration date: Business & Utility Studies: January & July of each year
Engineering Studies: January, May & August of each year

Contact of Vuselela College Jouberton

Contact us

Jouberton Centre For Business Studies
Physical Address:
11900 5th Street
Postal Address:
Private Bag X7
Telephone No:  018 465 6341 / 018 465 3133
Fax No: 018 465 2037

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