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What Are The Current Issues in South Africa

What Are The Current Issues in South Africa

Public opinion polls in South Africa have regularly revealed that the three most pressing problems there are lack Education reforms unemployment, crime, and corruption. Water and housing are some others. Corruption has risen in importance in recent years.

Now that I think about it, President Cyril Ramaphosa’s sixth state of the nation speech provided an eloquent and thorough account of potential policy measures that promise to solve these issues. But how much room is there for correction? Do South Africans think the administration is capable of handling the situation?The public is hesitant to trust that the government can take immediate action in regard to pressing problem areas.

Education in South Africa: The Big Issues

Education is one of the most significant issues in South Africa.Without an educated populace, a nation cannot advance in terms of political as well as economic development. In South Africa, as in other areas of the world, families are prepared to make sacrifices for education because parents there have a great desire to see their kids succeed and lead happy lives. Sadly, the government has been unable to provide enough classroom space for those of school age, and many of the government facilities that do exist in low-income communities provide education of a subpar level.

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Access to resources and inequality

After Nigeria, South Africa is the second-largest economy in Africa, but it has much better infrastructure. Compared to other nations in Sub-Saharan Africa, it boasts a comparatively high GDP per capita, but it also has extremes of riches and destitution. In the shadow of luxurious mansions with breathtaking seaside views, hundreds of tin and scrap-wood shacks are located. One of the most unequal societies in the world, according to the Gini coefficient, which measures income inequality, is South Africa.


Immigration from other African nations, where people fleeing oppression or just trying to make a living in one of the wealthiest economies in Africa, is a significant issue and potential for South Africa. Many illegal immigrants are included in this. Competition for work leads to hostility and violence between the local residents and the refugees, coupled with poverty and crime. The majority of customers for gated communities and security services are middle- and upper-class South Africans.

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Although direct comparisons are challenging, With over 400,000 private security guards employed and 9,000 registered businesses, South Africa’s private security sector is among the largest in the world and employs more people than the local police.

Workplace Issues

Certain economists have criticized the government’s Black Economic Empowerment initiatives because, while they have made some people wealthy, they have not addressed the needs of the general population. However, black emancipation is a major government goal. Large-scale unemployment is still a concern because of restrictive labor laws and a dearth of educational and skill advancement.

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The Corruption Perception Index score gauges how widespread corruption is thought to be in the public sphere. SA’s score increased significantly from 43 to 44 points in 2019, but fell to 43 in 2020.SA’s rating remained unchanged from what it was in 2019. However, it rose in position from 70th in 2019 to 69th in 2020.

According to the BER survey, 61% of respondents think the government has handled the battle against corruption “extremely badly.”

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