What Is a Bargaining Council in South Africa?
What is a bargaining council in South Africa?
Bargaining councils are established employer and employee bodies of a particular industrial sector and geographical area that deals with collective agreements.
What is the main purpose of bargaining council?
Its main function is to reach consensus on terms and conditions in specific industries.
What are the functions of the bargaining council?
1. Create and enforce collective agreements
2. Resolve labour disputes
3. Launch and manage various schemes and funds
4. Comment on labour policies and laws
How can a bargaining council be formed in South Africa?
Send your application for the registration of a bargaining council via post to the Registrar of Labour Relations, Department of Labour Private Bag X117, Pretoria, 0001.
Is it compulsory for an employer to register with a Bargaining Council?
An employer will be lawfully obliged to register with a specific bargaining council if his main scope of work fall within the scope of application of that bargaining council.
What are the benefits of being registered with the Bargaining Council?
Disputes that arise in companies within a specific industry are resolved by commissioners of the bargaining council within that specific industry.
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How many bargaining councils are there in South Africa?
There are currently 55 active bargaining councils in the private sector, 5 that governs public servants, one in local government, and one for parastatal Transnet.
What is the difference between a statutory council and a bargaining council?
The employers under the Statutory Council are not mandated to negotiate any employment conditions whereas the employers under the Bargaining Council are mandated to negotiate for such conditions
How long does it take for bargaining council to pay out?
A pay-out usually takes around 4-8 weeks.