The internet started in South Africa in 1989. The first internet connection was set up between the University of Cape Town and the University of Natal.
The internet is a global phenomenon, but it is not always easy to understand how it got to be so big and how it came to be so prominent in South Africa. In this article, we will explore the history of the internet in South Africa.
The Internet has been around since its inception, but it wasn’t until 1988, that three pioneers – Francois Jacot Guilarmod, Dave Wilson and Mike Lawrie – established an email link to the Internet at Rhodes University. In 1989, the subsequent connection was established between two universities in South Africa – the University of Cape Town and the University of Natal.
What is the Internet and How Does it Actually Work?
The internet is a global network of networks that allows people to communicate, share information, and connect with each other.
The internet operates on the principle of IP addresses. Each computer or device has its own unique IP address. This is used to identify the device and allow it to communicate with other devices connected to the same network.
The internet is made up of several networks that are connected using routers and switches. The routers forward data packets between networks while the switches route incoming data packets to their destination based on their destination address in their header information.
Distribution & Connectivity of Digital Data via the Internet
The Internet is a digital content distribution system. It has been used to disseminate information, share ideas, and create connections between people.
The Internet is a network of networks. It can be thought of as a series of interconnected networks that are built on top of one another. These networks are called the Internet’s layers and include the physical infrastructure, the application layer, the transport layer, and the session layer.
The most important thing about digital data distribution is data portability – being able to take your information with you from one platform or website to another losing no content or functionality.