Gooseberries are a special berry that is not that common in South Africa. The Gooseberry has a small, green fruit with an acidic taste and small seeds. They are grown on bushes that can grow up to 2 meters high (about 6 feet).
You are not limited to farm-grown gooseberries. Check out your supermarket for the canned variety, usually found next to the canned fruit.
Alternatively, if you want to get your hands on fresh gooseberries, ask around at local fruit and vegetable shops or try a home delivery service that specializes in organic produce.
Where to buy gooseberries?
Desertcart is a leading online shopping store in South Africa. Shop online for Gooseberry products at Desertcart and find the best prices on Gooseberry products. Desertcart offers a wide range of Gooseberry products to choose from, including:
Gooseberries (red)
Gooseberries (green)