Where In South Africa Can I Purchase Edible Clay?

One variety of soil is clay. To create medication, certain types of clay are employed.
Is clay okay to eat?
If the clay is not of food-grade quality, it may even be harmful to you because it may include lead or arsenic. According to Dr. Sarah Jarvis of the Jeremy Vine program, pregnant women may want dirt, clay, or charcoal if their systems are low in essential minerals. Additionally, it can be required in undernourished African nations. However, Californians may easily maintain a nutritious diet without adding clay to it. Therein lays the distinction, claims Jarvis. And no one could be engaging in this for amusement.
How does it function?
Certain metals may become entangled in clay and be prevented from being absorbed by the intestines and stomach. This could aid in the treatment or avoidance of mercury or other hazardous metal poisoning. Clay is used by people to treat nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, poisonings, and diarrhea.
Uses and Efficiency
Rheumatoid bowel syndrome (IBS). Early research reveals that giving a form of clay to persons with IBS who have diarrhea for eight weeks reduces their pain, discomfort, and bloating. According to another studies, consuming a different type of clay reduces pain and discomfort in IBS patients whose primary symptom is constipation rather than diarrhea. Clay may be less efficient than a product containing karaya gum (Polykaraya, Synthelabo, France) at helping IBS sufferers with pain and intestine function, according to some studies.
To determine how well clay performs in certain applications, further data is required.
According to the following scale, the effectiveness of natural medicines is rated by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database: Effective, Likely Effective, Possibly Effective, Possibly Ineffective, Likely Ineffective, and Insufficient Evidence to Rate (detailed description of each of the ratings).
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Negative effects
When taken orally for a brief period of time, calcium montmorillonite (also known as NovaSil) is POSSIBLY SAFE. Up to 3 grams of this kind of clay each day for three months seems to be a safe dosage.
When consumed by mouth for a prolonged period of time, clay is POSSIBLY SAFE. Low potassium and iron levels might result from long-term clay use. Additionally, it may result in lead poisoning and muscle
weakness, intestinal obstruction, rashes on the skin, or difficulty breathing.
Several factors, such as the user’s age, health, and other situations, affect how much clay is appropriate to consume. For the time being, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to determine an appropriate clay dosage range. Don’t forget that natural products aren’t always safe and that dosages can be quite important. Before using, be careful to read and abide by any instructions that may be included on the product label and consult your pharmacist, physician, or other healthcare professional.