What Is Provisional Tax In South Africa?
Who Is A Provisional Taxpayer?
- If you receive interest of less than R23 800 if you are under 65; or
- If you receive interest of less than R34 500 if you are 65 and older or;
- You receive exempt amount from a tax free savings account.
- natural person who derives income, other than remuneration or an allowance or advance as mentioned in section 8(1) or who derives remuneration from an employer who is not registered for employees’ tax (for example, an embassy is not obligated to register as an employer for employees’ tax purposes)
- company; or
- person who is told by the Commissioner that he or she is a provisional taxpayer.
- approved public benefit organisations or recreational clubs that have been approved by the Commissioner in terms of s30 or s30A;
- body corporates, share block companies or certain associations of persons that are exempt from tax;
- non-resident owner or charterer of ships or aircraft;
- natural person who does not earn any income from carrying on any business – provided that person’s taxable income will not be more than the tax threshold (for 2023 tax year: for taxpayers below age of 65 –
R91 250; age 65 to below 75 – R141 250 and age 75 and over – R157 900); or the taxable income of that person (earned from interest, foreign dividends, rental from letting of fixed property and remuneration from unregistered employer) will not be more than R30 000; - a small business funding entity;
- a deceased estate.
- any association that has been approved by the Commissioner under section 30B(2)
What Steps Must One Take To Work Out The Amounts Due?
- The First Period:
- Half of the total estimated tax for the full year;
- Less the employees tax for this period (6 months);
- Less any allowable foreign tax credits for this period (6 months).
- Less any applicable rebates or medical tax credits.
- The Second Period:
- The total estimated tax for the full year;
- Less the employees tax paid for the full year;
- Less any allowable foreign tax credits for the full year;
- Less any applicable rebates or medical tax credits;
- Less the amount paid for the first provisional period.
- The Third Period (voluntary):
- The total estimated tax for the full year;
- Less the employees tax paid for the full year;
- Less any allowable foreign tax credits for the full year;
- Less any applicable rebates or medical tax credits;
- Less the amount paid for the 1st and 2nd provisional tax periods.
How Should Provisional Tax Be Paid?
- Register for SARS eFiling. The eFiling facility allows you to request for an IRP6 return and make your submission and payments online. You can register once for all different tax types using the client information system.
- If you are already an eFiler, simply add provisional tax to your profile so that you can access and file your IRP6 return online.
When Should Provisional Tax Be Paid?
- The first provisional tax payment must be made within six months of the start of the year of assessment. For years of assessment starting March, this will be 31 August, if it is a business day, or the last business day before that date if it falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.
- The second payment must be made no later than the last working day of the year of assessment. This will be last business day of February.
- The third payment is voluntary and may be made:
- for companies with a year end of the last day of February, and any other person (other than a company), the last business day of September;
- in any other case, within six months of the end of the year of assessment.
Who Pays Provisional Tax In South Africa
With reference to the definition of a provisional taxpayer in Paragraph 1 of the Fourth Schedule of the Income Tax Act No.58 of 1962, a provisional taxpayer is:
- Any person (other than a company) who derives income, other than remuneration or an allowance or advance as contemplated in section 8(1).
- Any company.
- Any person who is notified by the Commissioner that he/she/it is a provisional taxpayer.