University of Johannesburg UJ Chiropractic Degree
Chiropractic is the science that is primarily concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and management of almost all conditions that are nerve, muscle or joint related. The prime area of interest lies in the adjustment or manipulation of spinal and extremity joints to maintain a healthy body.
The department endorses the European-South African-Australian Clinical and Professional Chiropractic Education position statement.
Most newly qualified Chiropractic will go into private practice on their own or into partnership with existing practitioners or professionals from other health disciplines. Some may prefer to enter into an academic career.
The programme is fully accredited with the European Council on Chiropractic Education affording graduates international work opportunities and mobility.
Contact Us
Title | Name | Role | Tel | Office No. |
Dr | Chris Yelverton | HoD: Chiropractic | +27 11 559 6546 | 7104A, John Orr Building DFC |
Ms | Priscilla Mongane | Departmental Secretary | +27 11 559 6218 | 7104B, John Orr Building DFC |