Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa BTC Application 2025-2026
Select your mode of study. We have contact and distance learning options available.
Choose your study programme. We have a variety of programmes at different levels available.
Download the application pack from the programme page and return your completed application form to the admissions department along with your proof of payment of the application fee.
Our campus in Randburg is home to BTC and contact learning students are able to attend face-to-face lectures. In addition to the vibrant classroom setting, students become a part of the campus community and engage with one another in various ways including attending weekly chapel services as well as other special events. Contact learning students have full access to the BTC library and affordable student accommodation is available to them if necessary.
Distance learning students study from their homes across South Africa and around the world. BTC’s Learning Management System, Schoology, provides distance learning students with an easy to use platform that serves as a digital classroom where students interact with learning material, engage with their fellow students, and submit their assessments. Distance learning gives students the opportunity to continue working and living in their home communities while they undertake their studies.