Title: Empowering Human Rights Advocacy: The EP Bradlow Bursary at Stellenbosch University
Introduction: In the pursuit of justice and human rights, education plays a pivotal role in shaping passionate individuals into effective advocates for change. Stellenbosch University, the oldest institution of its kind in South Africa, stands as a beacon of academic excellence and social progress. In this blog post, we delve into the EP Bradlow Bursary, a remarkable opportunity offered by the University’s Faculty of Law for postgraduate students passionate about human rights research.
The Prestigious Stellenbosch University: Established in 1921, the Stellenbosch Faculty of Law has a rich legacy of shaping legal minds and contributing to the advancement of the field. Located in the historic Old Main Building at the intersection of Victoria Street and Ryneveld Street, the Faculty offers a wide range of programs across ten faculties, including AgriSciences, Arts and Social Sciences, Economic and Management Sciences, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine and Health Sciences, Military Science, Science, and Theology.
EP Bradlow Bursary Program: The EP Bradlow Human Rights LLM Research Bursary, offered by the Stellenbosch Faculty of Law, aims to support postgraduate Law students pursuing an LLM degree by research thesis in human rights law for the 2022 academic year.
Bursary Benefits and Supervision: Successful bursary recipients will have the privilege of conducting their thesis under the esteemed supervision of Prof Sandra Liebenberg, the H.F. Oppenheimer Professor of Human Rights Law at Stellenbosch University. As part of the program, bursary holders will be required to acknowledge the support of the Bradlow’s Foundation in their LLM thesis and submit a copy of their thesis to the Foundation. They will also have the opportunity to participate in group activities and contribute to furthering the objectives of the HF Oppenheimer Chair in Human Rights Law.
Coverage and Value: The EP Bradlow Bursary holds significant value, providing a minimum annual amount of R185,000 for a two-year period. Upon registering for LLM studies at Stellenbosch University, bursary funds will be disbursed to the students. Detailed information on the registration process can be found on the university’s official website.
Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for the EP Bradlow Bursary, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- South African residency
- Completion of Matric
- Completion of an LLB degree or anticipated completion by the beginning of 2022
- Intention to pursue an LLM degree by research thesis in human rights law at Stellenbosch University in 2022
- Willingness to reside in Stellenbosch for the entire duration of the LLM degree (to be completed within two years)
- Compliance with the conditions applicable to a research LLM degree at the Stellenbosch Faculty of Law
Application Process: Applying for the EP Bradlow Bursary is straightforward. Interested students must compile the following documents:
- Certified copy of ID document
- Certified copy of Matric certificate
- Certified copy of full academic record, including first semester results
- Covering letter indicating application for the Bradlow’s Foundation LLM Research Bursary, acceptance of bursary conditions, motivation for the application, and details of interest and involvement in human rights
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae with contact details and names of two references
- Testimonial from a lecturer who taught the applicant during their LLB degree studies
- Brief description (maximum 2000 words) of the proposed LLM thesis, including motivation for its relevance and significance to human rights research
Once all the required documents are prepared, applicants can submit their applications via email, postal mail, or in-person delivery to the Faculty of Law at Stellenbosch University.
Closing Date and Contact Information: To be considered for the EP Bradlow Bursary, applications must be submitted by 30th September. Late applications will not be accepted. For any further inquiries about the bursary program, prospective applicants may directly contact the Stellenbosch University Faculty of Law, with Prof S Liebenberg serving as the designated contact person.
For any queries or further information regarding the EP Bradlow Bursary, please reach out to the University of Stellenbosch Faculty of Law directly using the following contact details:
Faculty of Law Contact Person: Prof S Liebenberg Email: sliebenb@sun.ac.za
Address for Postal Submissions: Dept. of Public Law Faculty of Law University of Stellenbosch Private Bag X1 Matieland 7602
Physical Address for In-person Delivery: Ms S Khanyile Secretary: Department of Public Law Faculty of Law Old Main Building Cnr: Ryneveld and Victoria Street Stellenbosch 7602
For email submissions, kindly send your application materials to Ms Khanyile at skhanyile@sun.ac.za.
Please note that it is essential to adhere to the application guidelines and submit all required documents. Late applications or missing documents may result in disqualification from consideration.
Conclusion: The EP Bradlow Bursary offered by Stellenbosch University Faculty of Law presents a unique opportunity for postgraduate students to embark on a transformative journey in human rights research. By providing financial support, expert supervision, and a platform for collaboration, this bursary equips passionate individuals with the necessary resources to make a significant impact in advancing human rights in South Africa and beyond. Seize this chance to become an agent of change and contribute to the promotion of justice by applying for the EP Bradlow Bursary today.