About The TAFSA Program
The Intra-Africa Mobility to Train Agribusiness and Food System Scientists for African Agriculture (TAFSA) Program is funded by the European Union (EU) to improve cooperation between specific agricultural universities in Africa. The program aims to enhance the quality of higher education, research collaboration, and partnerships to contribute to eradicating malnutrition, poverty, unemployment, and food insecurity.
Intra Africa Mobility Agribusiness And Food System Funding 2024-2025
The TAFSA Program is run by five African universities: University of Pretoria (South Africa), Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), Makerere University (Uganda), Gulu University (Uganda), and University of Abomey Calavi (Benin).
The program offers training for up to 40 fellowships (29 Masters and 11 Ph.D. students) in food security, nutrition, agribusiness, consumer science, agricultural economics, and agricultural policy areas. The fellowship covers monthly stipends, travel costs, tuition fees, insurance, and research-associated expenses.
Eligibility Criteria
- For Master’s degree applicants: A minimum second-class Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university.
- For Ph.D. degree applicants: A Master’s degree relevant to the area of Ph.D. studies from an accredited university.
- Willingness to study in a university outside your home country.
- Proof of eligibility from an eligible country.
- Fulfillment of all Target Group I (TG-I) requirements.
- Submission of legible and official documents.
- Proficiency in the language of instruction for the host country or institution (English, Portuguese, or French).
How to Apply
- Apply for admission to a participating university program under the TAFSA Project.
- Apply for the TAFSA Scholarship once you receive admission or evidence of application for admission.
- Download and complete the application form.
- Submit the application form via email to the project coordination office (tafsa21@gmail.com) and copy the coordinator of the participating institute (3ngiva@gmail.com).
- Download application forms from the TAFSA website (https://tafsa.org) and refer to the TAFSA advert for more details.
Closing Date
The application deadline is April 30.
Contact Details
For inquiries, contact the hosting universities:
- Gulu University: Dr. Walter Odongo (w.odongo@gu.ac.ug)
- University of Abomey-Calavi: Pelagie Agbobatinkpo (abpelagie@yahoo.fr)
- Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM): Prof. Nícia Givá (3ngiva@gmail.com)
- Makerere University: Dr. Jackline Bonabana (jackline.bonabana@muk.ac.ug)
- University of Pretoria: Dr. Lise Korsten (lie.korsten@up.ac.za)
Please note that contact details are provided for specific universities involved in the program.