SAHETI School George Bizos Bursary Fund

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SAHETI School George Bizos Bursary Fund

The South African Hellenic Educational and Technical Institute (SAHETI) established a school in 1974 in Senderwood, Johannesburg. This was done by a group of founders under the leadership of Advocate George Bizos.

Their vision, drawing on Isocrates’s maxim that he who partakes of Hellenic learning is an Hellene, was to establish a school which would provide an excellent modern education whilst inculcating the ethos and values of Hellenism. These include the right to freedom, equality, democracy and citizenship, and other well known Hellenic ideals, such as friendship, “philoxenia”, “filotimo” and camaraderie. Some 35 years later, SAHETI ranks amongst the finest independent schools in South Africa.

This non-racial, multi-ethnic English medium school has, from the outset, sought to embrace all communities within South Africa and the world in general, resulting in a learner body comprising 26 different ethnicities.

It welcomes and strongly encourages admission of learners from the differing cultures which enhance the richness of our diverse South African society. A distinct characteristic of the school is that of a caring community, where every boy and girl feels a sense of belonging.

At the core of SAHETI’s ethos is our school motto, founded in ancient Greek thought, “Know Thyself”. Building on this basic requirement for success, we pride ourselves on producing young people who are confident, independent thinkers and keen team workers equipped to face a changing world.

In 2003, the Board of SAHETI, on the initiative of Advocate George Bizos and his initial financial contribution, established a Scholarship and Bursary Fund to assist and attract learners of outstanding ability who are in financial need.

The ability to benefit from a tertiary education is highly dependent on a quality and holistic secondary education. Supporting the Fund provides learners, who would otherwise have not had the opportunity, access to such a secondary education.

The Fund has been named after Advocate Bizos, who has been associated with SAHETI School since its early beginnings, and who serves as a Life Vice President of the SAHETI Board.

Advocate Bizos is nationally and internationally acknowledged for his outstanding contribution to South Africa, through his legal representation of anti-apartheid leaders and activists and his subsequent work in the establishment of its constitutional democracy, and healing the wounds of the past.

In announcing the establishment of the Fund, Advocate Bizos emphasized that the spirit of Hellenism belongs to the world at large, and that SAHETI has a special responsibility to nurture it. “Our doors should be open to at least some pupils of excellence who would otherwise be unable to afford a quality education.” There are many learners from various communities who yearn to learn at SAHETI and whose parents do not have the means.

Candidates eligible for consideration are children from the broader South African community. All children who partake of our learning are Hellenes. The main criteria are scholastic merit and financial need.

The George Bizos SAHETI Scholarship and Bursary Fund (GBSSBF) is administered by a sub-committee of the Board of SAHETI comprising the Life Vice Presidents, the Chairman and Treasurer of the Board and the Head of the School.

All contributions to the Fund, together with the names of those enjoying bursaries and scholarships are acknowledged in SAHETI’s Annual Reports. SAHETI is a Public Benefit Organisation and contributions to the Fund are tax deductible in terms of current regulations.

SAHETI thanks the numerous individuals and corporations – South African and offshore – who have contributed from a few thousand up to R1,500,000 thus enabling the GBSSBF to invest the funds and create a permanent source of income. Sponsors may choose to contribute to the GBSSBF in a format of their own choice, in relation to the naming, duration, structure and purpose of the scholarship.

All this is done under the auspices of the GBSSBF. Each capital sum of R500 000 guarantees a scholarship per year in perpetuity. Contributors of R500 000 or more are able to secure the naming of a Scholarship such as in the memory of someone, a family or corporate name.

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