UCT  BA in Film & Media Production: Broadcast Journalism


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UCT  BA in Film & Media Production: Broadcast Journalism

BA in Film & Media Production: Broadcast Journalism


Associate Prof. Tanja Bosch


  • Students wishing to register for a general BA or BSocSc degree should refer to Rule FB6 and to the section Guidelines for General BA and BSocSc Degree Programmes.
  • Not all courses are offered every year. Check the relevant departmental entries to see which are on offer.
  • Students must make sure that they meet the entrance requirements for all courses in their programmes.

FILM AND MEDIA PRODUCTION: Broadcast Journalism [Bachelor of Arts] HB054

Notes for intending Film and Media Production students:

1. Applicants will not be admitted into the Film and Media Production specialisation in their first year. All intending F&MP students will register for the first year of a general Bachelor of Arts degree with double majors in Film and Television Studies and Media and Writing.
NOTE: If they wish to be admitted to the stream for Digital Media and Informatics, students should also register for one of the introductory Information Systems or Computer Science courses INF1002F/S OR CSC1017F in their first year.
Intending F&MP students must thus make sure that they are registered for FAM1001F and FAM1000S and, if they wish to apply for the Digital Media and Informatics stream, either INF1002F/S or CSC1017F in their first year. They are also advised to select courses towards additional majors

2. Final selection for this programme is made by a panel and only occurs in the second semester of the second year. Only students selected for the production stage of the programme will be admitted to one of the Foundation Production Skills courses [see Second year (b)]. Entry is competitive and applicants will be judged on the basis of their academic records and portfolios. Candidates may also be interviewed. (Further details about the selection process are available from the Centre for Film and Media Studies.) Students who are not selected for admission to one of these courses will remain registered in the general bachelor’s degree and, providing they have passed the relevant first- and second-year courses, are eligible to continue in the Film and Television Studies and/or Media and Writing majors. Students whose applications for the Production programme are successful will move into the Production programme, and their registration will be updated.

3. Students who wish to be considered for selection for the production stage of the programme must apply to the Centre for Film and Media Studies by the stipulated date in May of their second year. To be considered for admission, students are required to submit an approved portfolio containing:

(a) The applicant’s academic transcript indicating an average of at least 65% for the courses completed during the first year of study. Students must have passed at least six 1000-level semester courses in the immediate previous year of study, including:

  • FAM1001F Media and Society
  • FAM1000S Analysing Film and TV

AND, if they wish to be considered for the Digital Media and Informatics Stream:


• INF1002F/S Information Systems I OR

• CSC1017F/S Python Programming for Engineers


(b) A letter of motivation


(c) Examples of creative work


They must also have successfully completed:


  • FAM2000F Writing and Editing in the Media, if applying to production
    courses in Print Journalism, Broadcast Journalism or Interactive Media, OR
  • FAM2004F Introduction to History of Cinema, if applying to production courses in Screen Production or Screenwriting.

• And if in Digital Media and Informatics stream: INF2009F Systems Analysis


Any concessions regarding these stream-specific pre-requisites must be negotiated with the relevant stream convener.


A workshop is held in the first semester of the second year of study to give students guidance in the submission of their application.


4. The programme must include at least 10 senior semester courses.

First year: 8 semester courses
(144 NQF credits)
NQF credits         HEQSF level

Note: Students wishing to do an additional major may have to take an appropriate extra semester

course in second year.

(a) FAM1000S Analysing Film and TV 18 5
(b) FAM1001F Media and Society 18 5
(c) Six 1000-level semester courses 6 x 18 5


Second year: 6 semester courses
(132 to 144 NQF credits)
NQF credits        HEQSF level

Note: Only students selected for the production stage of the programme will be admitted to the production courses – see notes above regarding the selection process.

(a) At least one of the following:    
  FAM2000F Writing and Editing in the Media 24 6
  FAM2004F Introduction to History of Cinema 24 6
(b) One of the following:    
  FAM2009S Designing Online Media (not offered in 2018) 24 6
  FAM2010S Print Journalism Production (not offered in 2018) 24 6
  FAM2011S Screenwriting I (not offered in 2018) 24 6
  FAM2014S Screen Production I 24 6
FAM2017S Multimedia Production I 24 6
(c) At least one of the following:    
  FAM2003S Media, Power and Culture 24 6
  FAM2013S Television Drama: Theories and Genres 24 6
(d) Any other semester course or courses as required (3 x 18 NQF or 3 x 24 NQF credits). Inclusion of an approved senior ELL or SLL language or literature course is recommended.


Third year: 6 semester courses
(136 to 144 HEQF credits)
NQF credits        HEQSF level
(a) One of the following:  
  FAM3007F Designing Interactions (not offered in 2018) 30 7
  FAM3009F Print Journalism Production II (not offered in 2018) 30 7
  FAM3010F Screenwriting II 30 7
  FAM3016F Screen Production II 30 7
FAM3018F Multimedia Production II 30 7
(b) One of the following Senior Research Projects:  
  FAM3008S Dynamic Web Design (not offered in 2018) 30 7
  FAM3012S Senior Research Project Print (not offered in 2018) 30 7
  FAM3014S Senior Project Screenwriting 30 7
  FAM3017S Senior Research Project Screen Production 30 7
FAM3019S Multimedia Production III 30 7
(c) At least two of the following:    
  FAM3000F The Media in South Africa 30 7
  FAM3001S Advanced Media Studies 30 7
  FAM3003S Advanced Film Studies 30 7
  FAM3005F Film in Africa and South Africa 24 7
  FIN3029S Critical Studies in Art History and Visual Culture
(Michaelis School of Fine Art)
24 7
(d) Any other semester course or courses as required to total six for the year, at least one of which must be a senior course if an elective course taken in second year is a 1000-level course.
  Total NQF credits for degree – 414 to 432
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