UCT Graduate School of Business (GSB) Contact
For more information on any of these programmes featured on the website or to request printed material from the GSB, please contact:
Short Courses
Email: execed@gsb.uct.ac.za
Phone:0860 UCT GSB (828 472)
Customised Programmes
Business Development Unit
Email: BDU@gsb.uct.ac.za
Phone: 0860 UCT GSB (828 472)
Directors Office
Director: Kumeshnee West
Tel: +27(0) 21 406 1268
Email: kumewest@gsb.uct.ac.za
PA: Jill Bost
Tel: +27(0) 21 406 1036
Email: jill.bost@gsb.uct.ac.za
Programmes Manager: Noxolo Ndana
Tel: +27(0) 21 406 1601
Email: noxolo.ndana@gsb.uct.ac.za
Physical Address
UCT Graduate School of Business
Breakwater Campus
Portswood Road
V & A Waterfront
Cape Town
Executive Education
Graduate School of Business
University of Cape Town
Private Bag X3
South Africa