UNISA Chemical Engineering Course Module 2025-2026


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UNISA Chemical Engineering Course Module 2025-2026

Chemical Engineering Practice II (Option A: Workplace-Based Learning or Option B: Project-Based Learning) – CEP201E
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 60
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: Option A: CEP101E Option B: CEM321B & CEMPRA3 & CHP3602 & CPD3601 & EMA2602 & TDA3601
Purpose: Option A: Plant operations and troubleshooting: mastering basic operating skills e.g.: ensuring safe conditions and then operating valves, starting motors, turbines, pumps, compressors, conveyors etc; Handling of equipment specific to the operation concerned; Partaking in project work in order to understand the specific nature of projects e.g.: design of piping system; Optimisation of processes; Troubleshooting projects; Loss control: loss control inspections, Safety inspections/audits; Quality audits management; Overall material and energy balance of plant; Schematic diagrams of unit operations; Analysis of design; Environmental assessment. Exposure to the following would be of benefit but is not compulsory: financial management; ROI calculations; Depreciation; Human resources: planning for and the application of human resources; Industrial relations. Option B: project-based learning: An integrated project encompassing various areas of Chemical Engineering.
Process Control IV (Chemical) – PCT401C
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: MAT3700
Purpose: Examples of mathematical models of chemical engineering systems; analogue simulation; digital simulation; time-domain dynamics; Laplace-domain dynamics; time-domain synthesis; Laplace-domain synthesis.
Chemical Plant III (Module A) – CHP3601
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: CHE181T
Purpose: Materials; corrosion; water and wastewater treatment; air pollution; solid waste management and environmental legislation
Reactor Technology IV – RTE4701
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: CEM4702 or CEM4M2C
Purpose: Mole balances: Definition of rate of reaction; General mole balance equation; Batch reactors, continuous-flow, continuous-stirred tank reactor, tubular reactor, industrial reactors; Conversion and reactor sizing: Definition of conversion; Design equations; Batch and flow systems; Applications of the design equations; Reactors in series; Rate laws and stoichiometry. Collection and analysis of rate data: Batch reactor data: Differential method of rate analysis, internal method, least-squares analysis; Experimental design: Finding the rate law, experimental planning. Isothermal reactor design: Design structure for isothermal reactor: Batch operation, design of CSTRs, tubular reactors; Pressure drop in reactors: pressure drop and the rate law, flow through a packed bed, pressure drop in pipes; Reversible reactions. Multiple reactions: Conditions for maximizing the desired product in parallel reactions; Maximizing the desired product in series reactions. Non-isothermal: Energy balance; Nonisothermal continuous reactors at steady state; Equilibrium conversions; Multiple steady states. Catalysis and catalytic reactors: Catalysts: Definitions, catalyst properties; Steps in a catalytic reaction, synthesizing rate law, mechanism, rate-limiting step; Design of reactors for gas-solids reactions: Heterogeneous data analysis for reactor design; Distributions of residence times for chemical reactors.
Chemical Plant III (Module B) – CHP3602
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: CHE181T
Purpose: Steam plant; cooling towers; reactors; auxiliary equipment: valves, pumps and compressors.
Separation Principles II – SEP4701
Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in Module presented online
Purpose: The aim of this module is to deepen the student’s knowledge of separation principles by focussing on multicomponent mixture distillation, multicomponent gas absorbtion/stripping, extraction, crystallization and multiple -effect evaporation operations. Efficient short-cut methods for multi-components separations will be explored and thereafter the principles behind accurate numerical solution procedures for multicomponent distillation and absorption/stripping processes will be briefly intoduced. The basic design principles and optimal process stages of multiple stage evaporation and crystallization processes will be considered. The knowledge obtained in this course will assist students with troubleshooting, optimization and designing of a complex separation systems in a chemical plant.
Chemical Process Design: Principles III – CPD3601
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: CEM2601 or CEM211F Co-requisite: CEM311A & CEM321B
Purpose: Introduction to process design principles and codes; Plant layout; Selecting materials of construction; Construction details of: distillation columns, dryers, evaporators, Shell and tube heat exchanger design. Economics aspects in process design: capital cost estimation; economic evaluation of projects.
Solid Waste Treatment (Chemical) IV – SWT4701
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Purpose: Students will be introduced to solid waste treatment concepts. These include properties of solid waste, hazardous waste treatment, air combustion, incineration, wet air oxidation, physical treatment processes, sedimentation, filtration, wastewater treatment, adsorption, ion exchange, water plant residual management and landfill sit design and management.
Process Control III – PCT3601
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: MAT1581 Co-requisite: MAT2691
Purpose: Process and instrumentation diagrams II; Instrumentation: Level, pressure and temperature measurement; Control valves; Control: Define process control technology; Open and closed loop control; P, PI, PD and PID control; Feedforward and feedback control; Typical control systems: Cascade control; Ratio control; Selective control; Split-range control; Reactor control; Boiler control; Control systems documentation; Process safety mechanisms: Alarms, safety trips and interlocks; Hazard analyses and operability studies.
Water Treatment (Chemical) IV – WTC4701
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Purpose: Water Treatment (Chemical) IV is the heart of environmental engineering program. The module introduces the student to different application and uses of multidisciplinary subjects such as Chemistry, Fluid Flow and Unit Operations. The module describes and evaluates different techniques used in water treatment, namely Coagulation and Flocculation, Lime Soda Softening, Reverse Osmosis and Nano-filtration, Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration, Disinfection, Chlorination, UV and Ozone, and Biological Treatment.
Thermodynamics (Applied III) – TDA3601
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: PCH241P
Purpose: Heating and expansion; flow processes; nozzles; refrigeration and cooling; steam; steam generation; steam plant; boiler plant.
Thermodynamics (Chemical Engineering III) – TDC3601
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: PCH241P
Purpose: Basic concepts and definitions in thermodynamics; the first law of thermodynamics; properties of real and ideal gases; heat effects; the second and third laws of thermodynamics; thermodynamic relationships; thermodynamic properties of mixtures; introduction to adsorption.
Air Quality Control (Chemical) IV – AQC4701
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Purpose: Identify the constituents of the Atmosphere, Climate and structure of the Atmosphere. Define air pollution, its causes and consequences. Describe the various types of air pollutants their causes and consequences in the atmosphere. Contributions of air pollution on climate change and global warming.
Chemical Engineering Practice I (Option A: Workplace-Based Learning or Option B: Project-Based Learning) – CEP101E
Diploma Year module NQF level: 5 Credits: 60
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: Option A: CHE181T & CHE1PRA & DCE1501 & ENN103F & EUP1501 & FIC181C & FIC1PRA & MAT1581 Option B: CEM321B & CEMPRA3 & CHP3602 & CPD3601 & EMA2602 & TDA3601
Purpose: Safety training as required for the specific workstation; Process monitoring: taking readings and entering logsheets, monitoring readings against standard operating conditions, assisting in instrument calibrations, tasks as required for good housekeeping; Exposure to laboratory work such as: routine distillations, specific gravity, viscosity, ash and moisture determinations, titrations and saponification numbers, gas analysis; Flow diagrams of plants, piping systems- symbols and specifications; Elementary mass balances; Report writing. Option B Project-based learning: An integrated project encompassing various areas of Chemical Engineering.
Chemical Environmental Engineering IV (Project) – CEE4701
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: AQC4701or AQC401C & SWT4701or SWT401C & WTC4701or WTC401C
Purpose: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the application of engineering principles in diagnosing and solving broadly defined engineering problems. For these projects, it will be necessary to conduct investigations, research and/ or experiments. It will be important to demonstrate the impact of this engineering project on the society, economy, industrial and physical environment. By the end of this course, the student would be able to apply engineering principles in solving broadly defined engineering problems and to evaluate its impact on the environment, society and economy.
Drawing: Chemical Engineering I – DCE1501
Diploma Semester module NQF level: 5 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: Drawing equipment; SA standard code of drawing: SABS; lettering (letters, numerals & symbols); sketching or free-hand drawing; practical geometry; basic loci and simple mechanisms; conic sections; orthographic projection; isometric and oblique projection; auxiliary views; lines of interpenetration; surface development; sketches: chemical plant; pipe drawings.
Chemical Engineering Technology IV: Fluid Flow (Module A) – CEM4701
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English
Purpose: Revision: Flow patterns; Newton’s law; Non-Newtonian behaviour; Boundary layer; Energy relationships and Bernoulli equation; Momentum changes in fluid motion. Pressure head; Flow per unit area; Compressible and incompressible fluids; Flow of incompressible Newtonian f luids in pipes and channels: Flow patterns in pipes Pressure drop, friction factor and Reynold’s number; Calculation of Pressure drop in fittings and curved pipes; Non-circular pipes; Velocity distribution: turbulent and laminar flow; Types of flow as a function of velocity gradient; Flow in open channels; Flow of incompressible Non-Newtonian fluids in pipes: Flow of general time independent non-Newtonian fluids : Laminar and turbulent pressure drops; Pressure drop in pipes for Bingham plastics; Power law fluids: flow and velocity distribution, expansion and contraction losses; Pumping of liquids: Pumps and pumping revisited; System heads; Centrifugal pumps: relations, series and parallel; Positive displacement pumps; Efficiencies; Pump selection; Control valves and pressure; Mixing of liquids in tanks: Mixers and mixing; Types of agitators; Dimensionless groups for mixing; Power curves; Scale up; Purging of stirred tank systems; Flow of compressible fluids in conduits: Energy relationships and equations of state; Ideal gas flow in a horizontal pipe: Isothermal. Non-isothermal, adiabatic (with a constriction); Velocity of propagation of a pressure wave; Compressors; Flow of two phase gas liquid mixtures in pipes: Flow patterns; Pressure drop by the Lockhart and Martinelli method when both; phases are turbulent; Flow measurement: Fluid pressure (static and impact); Measurement of fluid flow (pitot tube, meter nozzle, venturi, orifice, etc); Fluid flow through packed beds; Fluidisation; Unsteady State Flow.
Chemical Engineering Technology II – CEM2601
Diploma Semester module NQF level: 6 Credits: 9
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: CHE181T & CEMPRA2 or CEM2PRA
Purpose: Introduction to chemical engineering calculations: Units and dimensions; Force and weight, pressure and temperature; Material balances: techniques of solving balances on: Single unit processes; Multiple unit processes; reacting and nonreacting systems; Aspects of recycle, bypass and purge; Gases, vapours, liquids and solids; Energy relationships: Concepts and units; Heat capacity; First law of thermodynamics; Kinetic and potential energy; Energy changes; Energy balances: Define terms; energy entering and leaving a system; Law of conservation of energy; Solve energy balances for simple systems; Balances on nonreactive processes; Balances on reactive processes; Combined mass and energy balances: Involves distillation column, evaporator, reactor; Appropriate laboratory work.
Chemical Engineering Technology IV: Heat and Mass (Module B) – CEM4702
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Purpose: Revisit basic heat transfer: Applied conduction: 1-D steady-state; Conduction through cylindrical pipes and multiple cylindrical shells; Radial conduction through spheres; Multi-dimensional heat conduction; Radiation: Ideal radiators; Non-Ideal radiators; Radiation Exchange; Heat transfer by radiation: Laws, radiation from real surfaces, radiation combined with convection and conduction; Convection II: Fundamentals: heat transfer coefficient and evaluation thereof; Boundary layer energy transfer mechanism, Nusselt modulus, dimensional analysis; Forced convection inside tubes and ducts: Effect of Reynolds number and Prandtl number, laminar flow and turbulent flow; Forced convection over exterior surfaces: Flow over bluff bodies; cylinders and spheres and tubes in bundles, application to heat exchangers; Heat transfer with change of phase: Boiling, condensation, freezing and melting; Mass Transfer: Fundamentals of mass transfer: Mass transfer operations, molecular diffusion in fluids, coefficients, analogies between heat, mass and momentum transfer, Simultaneous mass and heat transfer, equilibrium, diffusion between phases, material balances.
Chemical Engineering Technology III (Module A) – CEM311A
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 9
Module presented in English
Pre-requisite: CEM2601 or CEM211F Co-requisite: CEMPRA3 or CEM3PRA
Purpose: Fluid flow: Incompressible fluid flow: Use of mechanical energy balance on a single pipeline system with bends, changes in cross-section, valvesand pumps. Trial and error approach; Classification of fluid rheology: Based on relationship between shear stress and shear rate; Pumps and piping: Introduction; Classification and selection of pumps; System heads; Characteristic curve; Theoretical power. Heat transfer: Conduction: 1-D steady-state conduction in plane, cylindrical and spherical walls, no heat generation; Derive expressions for temperature distribution, and calculate heat transfer rate and thermal resistance; Convection: Explain convection; Heat transfer calculations using average convection coefficients; Thermal radiation: Define; Calculate net rate of radiation from a grey surface; Heat exchangers: Describe the operation of 4 types; Calculate overall heat transfer coefficients from individual ones; perform thermal design calculations and evaluate performance of heat exchangers. Mass transfer: Molecular diffusion in gases and liquids: Calculate rate of diffusion and predict the concentration profile for: equimolar counter diffusion; component A diffusing through stagnant non-diffusing B; mass diffusion with chemical reactions; Filtration equipment and filtration practice; Psychometry: definitions and humidity charts; Appropriate laboratory work.
Chemical Engineering IV (Practical) – CHE4PRA
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: CPD4701 or CPD4M1C, CEM4701, CEM4702 & CEM4703
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to relevant problem situations in the Chemical Industry, and to gain exposure to laboratory work, and fundamentals of chemical engineering technology, including the fundamentals of fluid flow (e.g. fluid friction) and related basic knowledge in chemical engineering (e.g. distillation, absorption, heat exchanger, ion exchange resin, ball mill, sedimentation, etc.).
Chemical Engineering Technology III (Module B) – CEM321B
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 9
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: CEM311A & CEMPRB3 or CEM3PRB
Purpose: Gas absorption: Mass balance for co- and countercurrent absorbers and strippers; stagewise and continuous contact columns; applications of mass transfer coefficients; Distillation: Single stage and introduction to multi stage: Introduction; Calculation of liquid-vapour equilibrium data; Single stage operation (flash); Simple distillation; McCabe-Thiele analysis for binary system; Multistage batch distillation with constant and variable refluxes; Calculation of number of plates; Column performance; Open steam distillation; Multiple feed streams and side streams operation; Azeotropic and extractive distillation n Single-evaporation: Introduction; Heat transfer; Apparent temperature difference and boiling point rise; Duhring’s rule and Raoult’s law; Standard overall coefficients; Calculation assumptions; Drying: Introduction; Methods and principles of drying; Calculations; Leaching: Principles; Factors influencing extraction rate; Mass transfer; Counter current washing; Calculation of number of stages; Appropriate laboratory work.
Chemical Process Design IV: Equipment Design (Module A) – CPD4701
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: CEM4702 or CEM4M2C & CEM4703 or CEM4M3C or SEP4701
Purpose: Heat exchanger design: Double pipe; Shell and tube; Plate heat exchangers. Distillation column design: Sieve trays; Valve trays; Packed columns. Cooling tower design; Furnace design; Boiler design.
Chemical Engineering Technology II (Practical) – CEMPRA2
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 3
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: CEM2601 or CEM211F
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to relevant problem situations in the Chemical Industry, and to gain exposure to laboratory work, and fundamentals of chemical engineering technology, including mass balances, the fundamentals of fluid flow and related basic knowledge in chemical engineering (e.g. distillation, absorption, pipe fittings, etc.)
Chemical Process Design IV: Plant Design (Module B) – CPD4702
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: CPD4701& RTE4701or CPD4M1C & RTE401C
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to utilize basic technical principles learnt in previous modules and incorporate various other aspects such as economics, safety, environmental and social issues to design a chemical process plant that would meet the specified needs and requirements. Students will also get an opportunity to utilize a process simulation package (such as ASPEN Plus, Chemcad etc.).
Chemical Engineering Technology III (Module A) (Practical) – CEMPRA3
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 3
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: CEM311A
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to relevant problem situations in the Chemical Industry, and to gain exposure to laboratory work, and fundamentals of chemical engineering technology, including the fundamentals of fluid flow (e.g. fluid friction) and related basic knowledge in chemical engineering (e.g. distillation, absorption, heat exchanger, ion exchange resin, ball mill, sedimentation, etc.).
Project: Chemical Engineering IV – PCE401C
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Co-requisite: CEM4701 or CEM4M1C & CEM4702 or CEM4M2C & CPD4701 & CEM4703 or SEP4701 & PCT401C & RTE4701
Purpose: 1) Finding a suitable research problem; 2) Literature research: find a suitable research problem; 3) Decide on methodology; 4) Collect relevant data or run appropriate experiments; 5) Analyse or diagnose data; 6) Obtain results; 7) Write a progress report; 8) Write a final report; 9) Give an oral presentation.
Chemical Engineering Technology III Module B (Practical) – CEMPRB3
Diploma Year module NQF level: 6 Credits: 3
Module presented in English
Co-requisite: CEM321B
Purpose: The purpose of this module is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to relevant problem situations in the Chemical Industry, and to gain exposure to laboratory work, and fundamentals of chemical engineering technology, including the fundamentals of fluid flow (e.g. fluid friction) and related basic knowledge in chemical engineering (e.g. distillation, absorption, heat exchanger, ion exchange resin, ball mill, sedimentation, etc.).
Production Engineering: Chemical Industry IV – PCI401C
Baccalareus Technologiae Degree Year module NQF level: 7 Credits: 12
Module presented in English Module presented online
Purpose: Linear programming; transportation models; integer programming; decision analysis; queuing models; simulation; project management; forecasting; statistical management and sampling.
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