UNISA Short Course in the Professional Practice Framework for Internal Auditors
The objective of this short course is to present an opportunity for prospective internal auditors and people currently working as internal auditors to receive training to enable them to comply with the requirements of the Institute of Internal Auditor’s Professional Practice Framework (IPPF).
- People working in internal auditing or forensic auditing, and who are not proficient in complying with all the requirements of the Professional Practice Framework.
- Members of Audit Committees who are not qualified internal auditors.
- People who want to re skill into the field of internal auditing.
- Internal auditors in the public sector who are compelled by law to comply with the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.
A senior certificate or equivalent qualification or appropriate experience.
Three months
Registration for the first semester opens 1 December and closes 22 January with a two-hour examination in May/June. Second semester registration 3 June to 16 July
Tuition is presented fully online through distance education, allowing practicing internal auditors who travel extensively, the freedom to keep up to date with their studies.
Formative assessment and examination admission will comply with UNISA’s formative assessment rules and policies
Formative assessment:
There are two (2) compulsory assignments for this short course of which assignment 01 is a multiple- choice assignment and is compulsory for admission to the examination.
Summative assessment:
A two hour examination
The assignment marks will contribute 10% and the examination 90% to the final mark of the learner. In order to qualify for the certificate of this short course, a final mark of at least 50% must be obtained.
Topic 1 – Elements surrounding the definition of Internal Auditing
After completing this topic, learners should be able to interpret the implications of the definition of internal auditing for internal auditors and be able to apply that knowledge in practice at the level of a junior internal auditor.
Topic 2 – Code of Ethics of Internal Auditors
After completing this topic, learners should be able to apply the requirements of the Code of Ethics to evaluate the acceptability of the conduct of junior internal auditors in practical situations.
Topic 3 – Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing
After completing this topic, learners should be able to apply the requirements of the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing in basic practical internal audit scenarios.
Mrs I Morgan MCom (Auditing) CIA
Centre for Accounting Studies
Office: 02-074, A J H van der Walt Building, UNISA
Tel: 012 429 4530 (08:00 – 13:00)
Fax: 086 636 9090
E-mail: morgai@unisa.ac.za
See Also: