University of KwaZulu-Natal Civil Engineering
Civil Engineers understand and integrate the natural environment with the requirements of people and engineering science in order to design and construct solutions that provide infrastructure and services, using the best available design and technology.
Civil engineering solutions, in the form of water supply, drainage and sanitation infra-structures increase the quality of life by eliminating the sources of infections and diseases. Problems of traffic congestion require the development of new, mass transportation systems. While extreme weather events, and forms of unrest, require structural design solutions.
Study Civil Engineering
The degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering in the field of Civil Engineering is an Honours equivalent, professional Bachelors degree that extends over four years. It is offered in the School of Engineering within the College of Agriculture, Engineering and Science. Instruction is through lectures, tutorials and laboratory practicals. Extensive use is made of computers in well-equipped facilities.
- First year: The first year concentrates on physics, chemistry and mathematics to provide a solid scientific foundation. Additionally, an introduction is given to communication, drawing and the design process.
- Second year: Mathematics continues to be taught in the second year but the application of scientific principles is introduced by way of the major Civil Engineering subjects of Fluids, Geotechnics and Structures together with Engineering Materials and Surveying.
- Third year: The third year involves a development of the theoretical basis of Civil Engineering through the application of scientific principles – primarily in the disciplines of Fluids, Geotechnics and Structures.
- Fourth year: In the final year, attention is focused on the application of engineering theory to resolving practical Civil Engineering problems. This culminates in students undertaking extensive design and investigative projects. The major subjects; Fluids, Transport, Geotechnics and Structures are complemented by other modules – such as Environmental Management, Environmental Technology and Professional Practice.
The Civil Engineering curriculum comprises of four main areas:
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Water & Environmental Engineering.
Students are also required to spend 14 weeks in Industry during the course of their degree study in order to graduate.
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Civil Engineering Career Opportunities
Civil Engineers understand and integrate the natural environment with the requirements of people and engineering science in order to design and construct solutions that provide infrastructure and services, using the best available design and technology.
Civil Engineering solutions, in the form of water supply, drainage and sanitation infra-structures increase the quality of life by eliminating the sources of infections and diseases. Problems of traffic congestion require the development of new, mass transportation systems. While extreme weather events, and forms of unrest, require structural design solutions. All of these play their part in the shortage of Civil Engineers.
Typical examples of Civil Engineering are:
- Structures, such as tower blocks (skyscrapers), bridges, power stations, sports stadiums and oil rigs.
- Transport Systems, for example roads, railways and airports.
- Water Supply Systems, including dams, reservoirs and water towers.
- Marine Works, such as seawalls, harbours and dry docks.
- Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal, including environmental considerations and waste to energy production.
A Civil Engineer therefore requires a holistic (all embracing) outlook, a creative, scientific and logical mind, and good communication skills. International surveys have shown that Civil Engineering is one of the highest rated professions in terms of job satisfaction.
Contact details
Mrs Ooma Chetty
031 260 3058
Physical address Discipline of Civil Engineering Centenary building Howard College University of KwaZulu-Natal Mazisi Kunene Road Glenwood Durban, 4041 |