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Bursaries Closing in November 2024

Application Forms 2024-2025

University of KwaZulu-Natal UKZN E Learning

University of KwaZulu-Natal UKZN E Learning

About e-learning at UKZN

ICS hosts the e-learning platform at UKZN.  It may be accessed at using your usual university lan login name and password.  Assistance may be obtained from



Q:  How do I access the learning site

A:     Using your usual web browser go to, login using your usual LAN login name and password


            Q:     I am getting a message stating my password has expired in the learning site, how do I change it?

A:     Your password is your usual LAN password, you can change it in Novel or go to


            Q:     I am teaching a course and wish to use the learning site, how do I get editing teacher rights to the course?

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A:     If the course links to a single ITS code use the “Request an official UKZN course” option on the front page of the learning site after login.  If the course is linked to more than one ITS code then use the link for requesting a NON-OFFICIAL course on the site, again after login.


Q:     How will students be registered on my courses?

A:     Students are automatically assigned to courses after they have registered for a course and their records in ITS are updated.


Q:     I have created my course but all my students claim they cannot see it?

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A:     Have you made the course available to students?  Courses are created as being “not available to students” to give lecturers a chance to set up the course and make the course available at their discretion.  To change this setting go to Administration -> Settings -> Availablity.  Remember to change it to read “This course is available to students” then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and Save.


            Q:     My students are not based on campus so they can not physically swipe their student cards in the student LANs, how can they activate their student computer accounts?

A:         Students may use the virtual swipe option at

See Also  UCT Exams: How to Access and Use the UCT Exam Timetable


Moodle Videos:


Mobile Usage @ UKZN Perception of Technology Assisted Learning

Click on this link to open Document Mobile Usage at UKZN_2012 

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