University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Music Courses

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University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Music Courses


For more details on the music undergraduate programs, please refer to the prospectus.





Purpose:       To introduce learners to choir work.

Content:        Choral music literacy; introduction to choral conducting.



Purpose:       To introduce learners to practical choral work, vocal techniques and performance.

Content:        Western choral literature; Xhosa and other African choral music.



Purpose:       To introduce learners to choir work.

Content:        Choral music literacy (continuation); choral conducting (continuation); introduction to choral management.



Purpose:       To train learners in practical choral work, vocal techniques and performance.

Content:        Western choral literature; Xhosa and other African choral music; accompaniment.



Purpose:       To equip learners with basic knowledge of choral work.

Content:        Choral music literacy and repertoire; choral conducting; choral management.



Purpose:       To train learners in practical choral work, vocal techniques and performance.

Content:        Western choral music literature; Xhosa and other African choral music literature; expository lectures and learner presentation; supervised integrated practical experiences and tasks.



Purpose:       To equip learners with basic knowledge of choral work.

Content:        Choral music literacy and repertoire; choral conducting; choral management.




Purpose:       To train learners in practical choral work, vocal techniques and performance.

Content:        Continuation of MUC 114, i.e. Western choral music literature; Xhosa and other African choral music literature; expository lectures and learner presentation; supervised integrated practical experiences and tasks.




MUC111 Choral Music

Purpose:       To introduce students to choir work.


Content:        Choral music literacy, Introduction to choral conducting, Introduction to choral management


MUC112 Choral Music (Practical)

Purpose:       To give students the opportunity to sing choral literature and to supply instrumental accompaniment where required.

Contents:     Western choral music literature, Xhosa and other African Choral music literature, African Marimbas


MUC121 Choral Music

Purpose:      This is a continuation of MUC111

Content:       Choral music literacy, Introduction to choral conducting, Introduction to choral management


MUC122 Choral Music (Practical)

Purpose:       Singing and instrumental performance related to choral music.

Content:        Western Choral music literature; Xhosa and other African choral music literature; Expository lectures and learner presentation. Supervised integrated practical experiences and tasks


MUC211 Choral Music

Purpose:       To continue the choir work presented in the first year

Content:        Choral singing; Rehearsal techniques; Beginner- level choral adjudication


MUC212 Choral Music (Practical)

Purpose:       To continue to give students the opportunity to sing choral literature and to supply instrumental accompaniment where required

Content:        Western choral music literature; Xhosa and other African music literature; African Marimbas.


MUC221 Choral Music

Purpose:       To consolidate concepts taught in MUC 211

Content:        Choral conducting; Choral adjudication (continued); Choral arranging; Staff to solfa; Choral interpretation.


MUC222 Choral Music (Practical)

Purpose:       To extend concepts and principles introduced in MUC 212 one grade level higher.

Content:        Afro/Western choral music literature; Eclectic African vocal music literature; Accompaniment on a western instrument.


MUC311 Choral Music

Purpose:       To elevate learners to an advanced artistic level.

Contents:     Choral interpretation; Poetic understanding; Voice production (junior level); Staff to solfa; Choral arrangements.


MUC312 Choral Music (Practical)

Purpose:       To have students participate in more demanding ensemble singing activity. To expose students to various world styles of ensemble activities.

Contents:     Western Choral Music; African Choral Music; World Choral Music


MUC321 Choral Music

Purpose:       To consolidate concepts learnt in MUC 311 and to enhance the vocal performance and choral training skills of learners.

Contents:     Choral interpretation (continued); Poetic understanding (continued); Voice production (senior level); Staff to solfa/solfa to staff; the teaching of songs.


MUC322 Choral Music (Practical)

Purpose:       To continue to give students the opportunity to sing choral literature and to supply instrumental accompaniment where required.

Contents:     Western choral music literature; Xhosa and other African choral music                                             literature.





Purpose:       To equip learners with basic knowledge of Music History and Theory.

Content:        Music Theory and History (African and Western); Music Calligraphy; key signatures; time signatures; intervals and triads; hexatonic scales.



Purpose:       To equip learners with basic performance and theory skills.

Content:        African and Western music; easy pieces; scales; intervals; triads.



Purpose:       To equip learners with knowledge of basic Music History and Theory.

Content:        Music History and Theory (African and Western); regular and irregular rhythms; Western and indigenous African melodies and instruments.



Purpose:       To equip learners with basic performance skills and knowledge of Music Theory.

Content:        African and Western music; scales; easy pieces; chords; intervals.



Purpose:       To equip learners with knowledge of basic Music History and Theory.

Content:        Minor Scales; Classification of Music Instruments; Xhosa Rhythms.



Purpose:       To equip learners with basic performance skills and knowledge of Music Theory.

Content:        Jazz, African and Western Music; easy pieces; scales; chords; intervals; chord positions; keyboard harmony.



Purpose:       To equip learners with knowledge of basic Music History and Theory.

Content:        African and Western music (continuation); analysis of musical pieces.



Purpose:       To equip learners with basic performance skills and knowledge of Music Theory.

Content:        Jazz, African and Western music; easy pieces; scales; chords and chord positions; intervals; cadenzas; harmonic analysis; keyboard harmony.


MUS111 Introduction to Music Theory and History

Purpose:       To equip the learners with knowledge of basic Music Theory and History

Content:        Music Theory; Music Calligraphy; Scales; Intervals and Triads; Key Signatures; Time Signatures; Regular and Irregular Rhythms, Xhosa Music Theory: The Hexatonic Scale, Indigenous Xhosa Melodies, Music History, The Notion of Music History, African Music History, Introduction to Xhosa Music History, World Music


MUS112 Practical Music

Purpose:       Beginner: level music performance skills

Content:        African Music; Jazz and Western Music; Keyboard harmony


MUS121 Music Theory and History

Purpose:       To equip learners with the knowledge of basic Music Theory and History

Content:        Music Theory; Music Calligraphy; Minor Scales; Analysis of Compositions, Western Music History: Introduction and Survey.


MUS122 Practical Music

Purpose:       Continuation of MUS 121

Content:        African Music; Jazz and Western Music; Keyboard harmony


MUS211 Music Theory and History

Purpose:       To continue to equip the learners with the knowledge of basic Music Theory and History

Content:        African Music Theory: Pentatonic Scales and Whole Tone Scales; The Afro – Diatonic Scale, Xhosa Hymnody, African Music History: African Music , World Music


MUS212 Practical Music

Purpose:       Music performance skills

Content:        African Music; Jazz and Western Music, Keyboard harmony


MUS221 Music Theory and History

Purpose:       To continue to equip learners with skill in Music Theory and History

Content:        Music Theory: Consolidation of concepts learnt in MUS 121, Music History: Overview of Western Music (Continues).


MUS222 Practical Music

Purpose:       Music performance skills

Contents:     Western Music; Jazz and African Music


MUS311 Music Theory and History

Purpose:       To continue to equip learners with the knowledge of basic Music Theory and History

Contents:     Music Theory: Consolidation of concepts learnt in MUS 211,

African Music Theory; Music History: African Music and World Music.


MUS312 Practical Music

Purpose:       Proficiency in practical music making

Contents:     African Music; Jazz and Western Music; Keyboard Harmony


MUS321 Music Theory and History

Purpose:       To continue to equip learners with the knowledge of basic Music Theory and History

Contents:     Music Theory: Continuation of MUS 221, Western Music History: Continuation of basic formal analysis of selected compositions.


MUS322 Practical Music


Purpose:       Continuation of MUS321

Contents:     African Music; Jazz and Western Music; Keyboard Harmony


MUT – MUSIC THEORY for B Mus (East London)


MUT111E Music Theory


Purpose:       To equip students with music theory and performance skills

Content:        Western music: Music theory; scales; intervals and triads, key signatures, time signatures and keyboard skills, African music, African rhythm, marimba skills, musical bows,



MUT121E Music Theory


Purpose:       Continuation of MUT111E

Content:        Western music: Music theory; keyboard harmony. African music; popular music, neo-African music, African scales, African drumming



MUT211E Music Theory


Purpose:       To deepen knowledge in music theory and performance skills

Content:        African music: pulse notation, African rhythms, Western music; keyboard harmony, theory.



MUT221E Music Theory


Purpose:       Continuation of MUT211 E, i.e. music theory and performance skills

Content:        African music; marimbas ensemble, African chamber music, Neo-African, scales, improvisation technique, Western music; key board harmony, theory.



MUT311E Music Theory


Purpose:       Music theory and performance skills on advanced level.

Content:        Advanced level of African music; African orchestral music, African chamber music, marimba ensemble, musical bow ensemble, Western music, keyboard harmony,wind instruments, theory, chamber ensembles.



MUT321E Music Theory


Purpose:       Continuation of MUT311E, i.e. music theory and performance skills on advanced level.

Content:        Advanced theory of African music; African orchestral music, marimba ensemble, musical bow ensemble, Advance theory of Western music, keyboard harmony, wind instruments, theory, Western chamber ensemble.





MSI111E Music Secondary Instrument


Purpose:       To expose learners to a secondary instrument in order to gain skills in theory, accompaniment and conducting.

Contents:     scales; chords; easy pieces on secondary instrument; keyboard skills for choral conductors, singers and instrumentalists; ensemble skills for performances.



MSI121E Music Secondary Instrument


Purpose:       To expose learners to a secondary instrument in order to improve skills in theory, accompaniment, conducting and leading of ensembles.

Contents:     continuation of MSI111. Easy pieces on secondary instrument; keyboard skills for choral conductors, singers and instrumentalists; ensemble techniques for performances.



MSI211E Music Secondary Instrument


Purpose:       To develop and improve skills in theory, accompaniment, conducting and leading of ensembles through a secondary instrument.

Contents:     keyboard skills for choral conductors, singers and instrumentalists; performance techniques for soloists and ensembles; chamber music and ensemble leading techniques.



MSI221E Music Secondary Instrument


Purpose:       To develop and improve skills in theory, accompaniment, conducting and leading of ensembles through a secondary instrument.

Contents:     continuation of MSI211. Keyboard skills for choral conductors, singers and instrumentalists; performance techniques for soloists and ensembles; chamber music and ensemble leading techniques.



MPI MUSIC PRACTICE, Primary Instrument (East London)


MPI111E        Solo Singing and Instruments

Purpose:       To equip learners with basic steps in solo and small ensemble singing and playing


Content:        Basic steps in vocal and instrumental technique and musicianship; introduction to foreign languages (Italian and German) and different styles; start a repertoire of suitable arias and ensembles and instrumental pieces.



MPI121E        Solo Singing  and Instruments  


Purpose:    To develop skills in solo and small ensemble singing and playing

Content:     Add vocalises to the simple warm-up procedures with theoretical knowledge; study staff notation and tonic sol-fa ensembles; research further genres for repertoire list, including more foreign language songs (plus French) with translations. More instrumental pieces for ensembles and soloists.



MPI211E        Solo Singing and Instruments


Purpose:       To explore the range of skills required to present solo and ensemble performances, instrument techniques

Content:        Applying knowledge of vocal and instrumental techniques to learning of new songs and pieces; learn transcription of tonic sol-fa to staff notation; develop Italian, German and French pronunciation and translation; learn rudiments  small ensemble conducting. First concert pieces for instrumentalists



MPI221E Solo Singing and instruments

Purpose:       To explore the range of skill required to present solo and ensemble performances


Content:        Examine the finer details of vocal and instrumental classification and the concept of Fach; transcription; introduce foreign language translations into printed programme of recital repertoire; coach vocal parts and conduct small ensemble.



MPI311E Solo Singing and instruments


Purpose:       Select solo or solo with ensemble component and develop skills to prepare for professional level performances.

Content:        Select repertoire from at least five styles for programme; include coloratura or dramatic arias reflecting new vocal and instrumental techniques; study appropriate presentation and actions; work on translations; singers add another language (Spanish); self-assessment sessions; printed programme



MPI321E        Solo Singing and instruments

Purpose:       To prepare for professional standard performances


Content:        Prepare arias displaying high level of vocal technique (for solo component) or concert pieces for displaying high instrumental techniques and at least five contrasting styles; sight reading; viva voce on technique and repertoire background; practical application of promotion procedures; conducting complex arrangements for ensemble component



MPI411E  Solo Singing and instruments

Purpose:       To put into practice in public performances skills


Content:        Identify own set of vocal and instrumental exercises and practice routines; select repertoire for examination recital including at least five contrasting styles; prepare professional programme; identify public venues to present recital; for ensemble component arrange rehearsals and voice and instrument parts; promote the public performance.  Prepare an audition; curriculum vitae.



MPI421E  Solo Singing and instruments

Purpose:       To put into practice in public performances skills


Content:        Identify own set of vocal and instrumental exercises and practice routines; select repertoire for examination recital including at least five contrasting styles; prepare professional programme; identify public venues to present recital; for ensemble component arrange rehearsals and voice and instrument parts; promote the public performance. Update audition curriculum vitae.





MUH111E     Introduction to History of Music

Purpose:       To equip the learners with the basic knowledge of Western and African Music History.


Content:        Western music: Introduction to stylistic periods; introduction to prominent composers; introduction to major genres of composition of western music; middle age and renaissance music. African music: Introduction to Xhosa music; its characteristics, historical perspectives, composers; terminologies, geographical situation, world music.




MUH121E     History of Music (continuation of MUH111E)

Purpose:       To equip the learners with the basic knowledge of Western and African Music History.


Content:        Western music: Introduction to stylistic periods; introduction to prominent composers; introduction to major genres of composition of western music; baroque and classical music. African music: Introduction to Xhosa music; its characteristics, historical perspectives, composers; terminologies, geographical situation, world music.




MUH211E     History of Music

Purpose:       To develop the knowledge of specific eras in the history of Western and African music.


Content:        Western music: the romantic era. Focus will be on the most prominent genres, composers and compositions of these eras. African music: music of sub-Saharan Africa, social functions. historical perspectives, characteristics, composers, video examples, world music.



MUH221E     History of Music (Continuation of MUH 211E)

Purpose:       To develop the knowledge of specific eras in the history of Western and African music.


Content:        Western music: 20th century music. Focus will be on the most prominent genres, composers and compositions of these eras. African music: music of Sub-Saharan Africa, social functions. Historical perspectives, characteristics, composers, video examples, world music.



MUH311E  History of Music

Purpose:       To develop the knowledge of specific eras in the history of Western and African music.

Content:        Western music: Music literature. Focus will be on  developments, theories and discourses in the 19th and 20th century.  African music: music for ritual ceremonies, its efficacy, cognitive processes in African compositions, world music.

MUH321E History of Music (continuation of MUH 311E)

Purpose:       To develop the knowledge of specific eras in the history of Western and African music and to develop the knowledge of contemporary Western and African music and philosophies of music.

Content:        Western music: Focus will be on the most prominent genres, composers and compositions, music literature and discourses in the 19th and 20th century.  African music: music for ritual ceremonies, its efficacy, cognitive processes in African compositions. The philosophical and cognitive processes involved in African compositions, world music.


MUC – MUSIC CHORAL (East London)


MUC401E Advanced Choral Music (repertoire, management skills, conducting).

Purpose:       To expose learners to advanced choral genres.


Contents:     Choral music as found in the following genres: Operas, Symphonies, other genres, Choral Management Skills and Conducting.



MUC402E Advanced Practical Music (Choral and Singing Techniques)

Purpose:       To expose learners to an advanced level of performance in choral music.

Contents:     Singing;Choir Conducting; Performance on African and Western Instruments.




MUS401E African Philosophy of Music

Purpose:       To give learners insight into African philosophy as found in Music.

Contents:     African philosophy in music; anthropological and sociological approaches to African music.


MUS402E Advanced Theory of African Music and Jazz

Purpose:       To expose learners to African Music Theory and Jazz Theory at an advanced level.

Contents:     Music Transcription and Keyboard Harmony.


MUS403E History of African or Western Music

Purpose:       To train learners in research work in the field of African or Western Music.

Contents:     Learners write a long essay on a chosen theme.


MUS404E History of Jazz and Popular Music

Purpose:       To train learners in research work in the field of Jazz and Popular Music.

Contents:     Learners write a long essay on a chosen theme.


MUS405E General Music History

Purpose:       To train learners in research work in the field of General Music History.

Contents:     Learners write a long essay on a chosen theme.


MUS406E Field Work and Research Techniques

Purpose:       To expose learners to field work and research techniques in music.

Contents:      Interview skills; Photography skills; Videography skills; Keeping Field Notes; Ethics of Field Work.


MUS407E      Creative Studies

Purpose:       To expose students to aspects of musical composition.

Contents:     Techniques of Composition based on: Speech Tone; Song Composition; Music Drama; Opera. All of this can involve individual or group work.


MUS408E Music Technology

Purpose:       To expose learners to both traditional and modern uses of music technology.

Contents:     Instrument Making; Music Computer Programmes; Studio Recording Techniques.

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