University Of Stellenbosch Postgraduate School Registration

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University Of Stellenbosch Postgraduate School Registration


First semester registration:

All postgraduate students must ensure that registration commences timeously. No person, excluding new Master’s by Research and Doctoral students, is permitted to register as a student later than three weeks after the start of classes (see the Almanac at the front of the University Calendar).

Registration of Honours students:

All prospective students, including Honours candidates, must formally register as students in accordance with the University’s official programme of registration.

Registration of Master’s and Doctoral Students:

Master’s (by Research) and Doctoral candidates registering for the first time may register up to 31 March, on condition of their having been admitted.

Failure to register on time:

Where a Honours or Master’s by coursework student has failed to register on time for a particular programme in terms of the official programme of registration, he shall be liable for the payment of a penalty of R500 even if he has obtained permission beforehand for late registration. Any student, however, who has already paid an amount of R200 consisting of the application fee of R100 and the late-application surcharge of R100, shall be exempted from the above-said penalty for late registration for a programme, on condition that the said late registration for a programme takes place within the first two weeks of class of the semester. No late registrations will be accepted after the second week of classes.

International students:

Before you may register, you must obtain pre-registration clearance from the Postgraduate Office (PGO) by producing supporting registration documents. These documents must be verified by Ms Cindi De Doncker at the PGO ( 021 808 2566)

Proof of South African medical aid;

Proof of valid passport and study visa;

Proof of payment in full (scholarship/ bursaries must first be cleared by the international student fees department).

How to register:

You have three registration options:

1.         Online registration / e-registration

2.         In-person registration (applicable to all students admitted to residential programmes  and who have not registered via the e-registration platform).

3.         Postal registration (only applicable for non-residential programmes)


1.    Online Registration / E-registration (only available between 16 and 26 January 2017):


International students must provide the following supporting documentation (clear and legible) electronically to Linda Uys(

o   Proof of South African medical aid;

o   Proof of valid passport and study visa;

o   Proof of academic fees payment or scholarship.

International students may proceed with the e-registration upon notification pre-registration clearance by Stellenbosch University International.


Log on to

·         Select Administration & Support → Biographical Information → Registration

·         Enter your username and password as assigned by the University

·         Follow the registration link and prompts.

Once you’ve completed the online registration, print the proof of registration.

GET CONNECTED Take proof of registration to have student card issued (Admin A, IT Hub).

Take proof of registration to have student card issued

Without this card you will not be able to access any services or facilities available to students.

Computer and network registration may be permitted by producing your student card to a staff member at the relevant computer lab(s).


2.    In-person registration:


The formal registration usually program usually takes place in the NARGA computer facility located in the Admin A building.

ALL students must ensure that they have been formally admitted to Stellenbosch University prior to their arrival and confirming the date of registration for their specific department by checking the registration schedule.


International students may utilise the Welcome Centre located in the RW Wilcocks building (opposite the Admin A building) to obtain pre-registration clearance by providing the following supporting documentation:

o   Proof of South African medical aid;

o   Proof of valid passport and study visa;

o   Proof of academic fees payment or scholarship.

International students may proceed with the formal registration program once clearance has been granted  by Stellenbosch University International.


All students must be in possession of the following supporting documentation upon registration:

o    Proof of academic fees payment or scholarship;

o   Original degree certificate(s);

o   Formal admission letter issued by the relevant faculty secretary.

Proof of registration will be issued upon completion.

Students who have not participated in the formal registration program will need to visit the respective faculty offices.

GET CONNECTED Take proof of registration to have student card issued (Admin A, IT Hub).

Take proof of registration to have student card issued (Neelsie Student Centre, Die Vroueverniging Hall).

Without this card you will not be able to access any services or facilities available to students.

Computer and network registration may be permitted by producing your student card to a staff member at the relevant computer lab(s).

3.    Postal registration:


Complete a Postal Registration Form (Download the Postal Registration Form here)


International students must provide the following supporting documentation (clear and legible) electronically to Linda Uys ( in order to obtain pre-registration clearance:

o   Proof of valid passport and study visa;

o   Proof of academic fees payment or scholarship

Local students may send the completed form and supporting proof of payment directly to the relevant faculty secretary in order finalise their registration. Proof of registration will be sent to students via email upon completion.

GET CONNECTED Student cards are obtained from the Admin A building by producing your proof of registration upon arrival to the Stellenbosch campus.

Without this card you will not be able to access any services or facilities available to students.

Computer and network registration may be permitted by producing your student card to a staff member at the relevant computer lab(s).

For network registration assistance, kindly send an email to

Troubleshooting registration problems:

If your registration process is obstructed or delayed, you need to check that you have:

●       Been formally admitted to the correct programme of study by the faculty administrator – that would include the receipt of a formal admission letter;

●       Settled any outstanding fees from the previous year’s study at SU, or

●       Obtained pre-registration clearance from Stellenbosch University International (only applicable to international students).

Second semester registration:

Students granted admission for second semester registration must do so within the first two weeks of classes.

All students must be in possession of the aforementioned supporting registration documentation. International students must obtain pre-registration clearance from Stellenbosch University International and thereafter may proceed to the relevant faculty office for registration. Local students may proceed to the relevant faculty office directly, accompanied by the supporting registration documentation.

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