University of Zululand Unizulu BA in Information Science (AIDEG1)

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University of Zululand Unizulu BA in Information Science (AIDEG1)

Bachelor of Arts in Information Science (AIDEG1) NQF Level 7 Credits 360

BA (IS) will take a duration of three years and at least 24 modules. The purpose of the programme is to offer the student knowledge, skills and attitudes for information and knowledge management and is aimed at jobs in the broad information field both within public and corporate organizations.

Programme or exit level outcomes of the AIDEG1 degree are to equip students with:

  • Digital literacy skills in Information Communication Technologies (ICTs), multimedia and computer networ
  • Appropriate knowledge and skills to identify, organise and retrieve information.
  • Appropriate knowledge of information behaviour and collection development in a variety of information centre
  • Appropriate knowledge and skills in general and inforprenueral managemen
  • Theoretical research
  • Information literacy and communication skills

On completion of this programme the student can be admitted to an Honours degree programme or its equivalent

Work integrated learning (WIL)

Work experience focuses on three areas choosing from: computer assembly troubleshooting and repairs, networking, Practical Information Services Environment, and Management. Students will select their areas of choice in consultation with the Department. Students are expected to spend three weeks in the WIL programme in a work environment of their choice during their final year.

Job opportunities including: information officer, communication officer, video and sound editor, knowledge manager, multimedia designer, web designer, network technician, computer technician, records centre manager, digital records manager and digital archivist. Or you could lecture Information Science after completing a post-graduate degree.

On completion of this programme the student can be admitted to an Honours degree programme or its equivalent

General rules

Programme co-ordinator:
Dr. T. Kalusopa, BALIS (UNZA), MSc.IS (Addis Ababa), PhD (UNISA)Programme co-ordinator: Dr. T. Kalusopa, BALIS (UNZA), MSc.IS (Addis Ababa), PhD (UNISA)
Tel: +27(0)35 902 6878
Acting HOD: Dr N.D. Evans BSc (UPE), MA, Phd (Unizulu)
Email: ,
Tel: +27(0)35 902 6169

Composition of Curriculum

The curriculum shall consist of all the prescribed modules and electives as specified.


DEPARTMENT: Information Studies
Degree(Designator) Bachelor of Arts
Qualifier Information Science
MAJORS Information Science Library Science
Abbreviation BA (Information Science)
Qualification Code (SAQF) 62482
NQF EXIT Level 7
 Admission Requirement 1.  NSC with degree endorsement OR Matric Exemption and an achievement rating of 26 points
2.  English level 4
Minimum Credits forAdmission 26
Minimum duration ofstudies 3 YEARS
Presentation mode of subjects: Fulltime
Intake for the qualification: January
Registration Cycle for the subjects: January
Total credits to Graduate: 360


Subject Name Credits NQF Level Pre-requisites Co-requisites Compulsory
AINF111Information Science and Information Literacy 15 5 None AINF112 Y
AINF121Computer Mediated Communication 15 5 None AINF122 Y
AINF131Computer Literacy for Information Studies 1 15 5 None AINF132 Y
AENG121Practical English 1 A 15 5 None AENG122 Y
OR 15 5 None AENG121 Y
AENG111English 1 Part A: Language and Literature
AINF112Information Searching and Retrieval 15 5 None None Y
AINF122Electronic  Publishing 15 5 None None Y
AINF132Computer Literacy for Information Studies 2 15 5 None None Y
AENG122Practical English 1 B 15 5 None None Y
OR AENG112English 1 Part B: Language and


15 5 None None Y


Subject Name Credits NQF Level Pre-requisites Co-requisites Core
AINF211Management Principles and Practices 15 6 None AINF212 Y
AINF221Information Seeking behavior 15 6 None AINF222 Y
Elective 1 None None N
Elective 3 None None N
AINF212Knowledge  Management 15 6 None None Y
AINF222Records  Management 15 6 None None Y
Elective 2 None None N
Elective 4 None None N


Subject Name Credits NQF Level Pre- requisites Co- requisites Core
AINF311Research  Methodology 15 7 None None Y
AINF321Information Retrieval I 15 7 None None Y
AINF331Marketing principles and applications 15 7 None None Y
Elective 5 None None N
AINF312Information Ethics and Infopreneurship 15 7 None None Y
AINF322Information Retrieval II 15 7 None None Y
AINF332Informetrics 15 7 None None Y
Elective 6 None None N
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