University of Zululand Unizulu Masters in Clinical Psychology
Admission requirements
Refer to Faculty requirements
- Psych Degree with minimum pass rate of 65%
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Honours Degree with a minimum pass rate of 65% in psychology module
- Bachelor of Education in Educational Psychology
- Bachelor of Education in Counselling and Guidance/Orthopedagog
- Personality suitability and academic mer
- Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview with a panel consisting of internal and external supervisor
- The MA (Clinical Psychology) is an applied degree leading towards registration with theProfessional Board for Psychology of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a clinical psychologist. The course is a natural extension of the honours course. Only a limited number of students can be admitted to the course. Students will be selected in terms of both academic merit and personal suitability.
- Students who have insufficient background at Honours or BEd levels in areas of research methodology, psychopathology, psychological assessment and/or equivalent of these papers will be required to do and pass these subjects for non-degree purpose (NDPS) before they are admitted to the MA (Clinical Psychology) course of stud
Duration of the proposed degree
- The course extends over a minimum of two years of which one is a full-time academic year plus a twelve month internship at an HPCSA accredited institution before the degree can be conferred.
- A further twelve month Community Service at a Government Hospital is required plus an HPCSA Board examination is required.
- University coursework – APS701
- Dissertation – APS702
- Twelve month internship at an HPCSA accredited training in