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University of Zululand UNIZULU Postgraduate Application

University of Zululand UNIZULU Postgraduate Application


Masters Degree

Admission and registration

(1) To be admitted to the programme a candidate shall, in the absence of any provision to the contrary in the faculty rules, have obtained the honours bachelors degree in the discipline for which he/she wants to enroll, or equivalent status shall have been conferred on him/her by virtue of rule G6, and he/she shall satisfy the Senate as to his/her proficiency in the discipline.
(2) Admission shall be subject to the approval of the Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Board. (Authority delegated to the higher degree committee).
(3) A candidate shall register annually not later than 31March each year.

Duration of Programme (course work Masters)

The degree shall not be conferred on a candidate before at least one year has elapsed since the first registration of the degree.

(1) The assessment shall consist of two or more written papers or a dissertation; or of papers and a dissertation; or of a dissertation and an oral assessment. A written assessment, if required, shall be conducted in February, or, with Senate’s approval, in November.
(2) Council on the recommendation of Senate shall appoint an external examiner who is not attached to the University.

No person shall sit for the assessment more than twice without the permission of the Senate.

Before admission, a student shall submit, for the approval of the Senate, the title of his/her dissertation together with an outline of his/her proposed treatment and method of research. (Delegated to the Higher Degree Committee)

(1) A student shall work under the supervision of a University supervisor in the subject concerned unless the Senate has approved otherwise.

(2) If a supervisor is appointed who is not attached to the University, the Senate shall appoint a joint supervisor who is an employee of this University.

The title of a dissertation is approved for a period of five years, after which the student shall apply to the Senate for an extension of time.

(1) Without the approval of the Senate no dissertation shall be submitted unless accompanied by a letter from the supervisor in which he/she recommends that the dissertation be accepted for assessment.
(2) By issuing the letter the supervisor shall not necessarily imply that he/she recommends or approves the dissertation.

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(1) A dissertation which has previously been submitted for a degree at another university shall not be accepted, but material from the candidate’s own published works may be incorporated in the dissertation.

(1) The dissertation shall show proof of the candidate’s ability to work independently; the language shall be correct and the technical workmanship shall be satisfactory.
(2) A summary of not more than 500 words, in the language of the dissertation and in at least one other official language, shall be incorporated in the dissertation and shall be included in the bound dissertation when it is submitted for assessment.
(3) When submitted, the dissertation shall be accompanied by a declaration regarding the extent to which it represents the candidate’s own work, both in conception and in execution.
(1) For assessment purposes a candidate shall submit the dissertation in triplicate to the Registrar on or before 31 October of the year in which the student graduates.
(2) After approval of the dissertation, but before conferment of the degree, the candidate shall submit four bound copies and a CD in rtf format (rich text format). If parts of the dissertation cannot be reproduced effectively the candidate shall submit an additional 21 copies.
(1) A dissertation shall be typed or on non-transparent A4 paper, with at least one and a half spacing, with a margin of at least 2 centimetres on both sides of the page after the dissertation has been bound: provided that A5 size and single spacing are permissible if an ordinary set and printing process are used.
(2) The dissertation shall be bound in hard covers by means of a glueing process.
(3) The title of the dissertation and the name of the candidate shall appear on both the cover and the spine.
The title of a dissertation shall bear the following inscription:
(1) (Full title of dissertation) …………………………………………………………
(2) by (full name of candidate) ……………………………………………………..
(3) submitted to the Faculty of ……………………………………………………..
in fulfillment or partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ……………………………………….. in the Department of …………………………………………………at the University of Zululand.
(4) Supervisor: ……………………………………………………………………….
(5) Date submitted: ………………………………………………………………….

Publication of dissertation

(1) If, on the date of presentation, a portion of the dissertation submitted has not been published, or is not being published in a manner satisfactory to the Council, the Council shall have the right to reproduce the work in whole or in part for purposes of research.
(2) The Council may waive this right on condition that the candidate makes arrangements for publication of the work in a manner which is to the Council’s satisfaction.

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Doctor’s Degree

Admission and registration

(1) A student who wishes to enroll shall have obtained a Masters Degree in the faculty concerned unless a provision to the contrary exists in the rules of the faculty, or equivalent status shall have been conferred on him/her in terms of rule G6, and he/she shall satisfy the Senate as to his/her proficiency in the prescribed field of study.
(2) Admission shall further be subject to the approval by the Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty Board Concerned (authority delegated to the Higher Degrees Committee.
(3) A candidate shall register annually not later than 28 March each year.

Duration of Programme

The degree may be conferred on a candidate only after a period of two years, or after such longer period as may be prescribed in the faculty rules has elapsed since he/she registered for the doctoral degree.

(1) The Senate may, if so required, prescribe a programme of study for a candidate for a doctoral assessment before submission of his/her thesis.
(2) The faculty board on the recommendation of the head of the department shall recommend to Senate the names of at least one internal examiner as well as two external assessors. The external assessors shall not be attached to the University.
(3) The final assessment shall consist of a thesis and, if so required by the Senate or the assessors, an oral or written assessment on the subject of the thesis or the relevant subject as a whole.

(4) No person shall present himself for the assessment more than twice without the permission of the Senate.
Before a candidate submits a thesis he/she shall submit a letter from the promoter that he/she may hand in the thesis.
Proposed thesis

The Senate shall appoint –
(a) a promoter who must be a lecturer in the subject at the University unless the Senate prescribes otherwise: Provided that if the Council appoints a promoter not attached to the University, the Senate may appoint a joint promoter who is an employee of this University; and
(b) two external assessors and one internal examiner.

A thesis shall show proof of original work and constitute a contribution to the knowledge of and insight into the subject.

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Rules G40 and G46 apply mutatis mutandis for a thesis.
The title page of a thesis shall bear the following inscription:
(a) (Full title of thesis) ………………………………………………………………..
(b) by (full name of candidate) ……………………………………………………..
(c) submitted to the Faculty of ………………………………………………… in fulfillment or partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ……………………………………………………………………………in the Department of ………………………………………………………… the University of Zululand.
(d) Promoter: ………………………………………………………………………………….
(e) Date submitted: ………………………………………………………………………….

The purpose of our postgraduate studies support is to:
  • Coordinate, extend and enhance the postgraduate support systems.
  • Assist the University in attracting, training and producing quality
    postgraduate students.
  • Increase the number of postgraduate students (Honours, Masters
    and Doctoral students).
Academic Staff Development
  • Capacity development is aimed at ensuring that academic staff have the
  • necessary support, skills and qualifications so that they are able to produce
  • research and postgraduates of sound quality.
Formal Qualifications

The University assists staff who are in their final year of Master’s and Doctoral degree studies with funds to free up their time, for improving supervisor contact and for editing and other write-up expenses.

Informal Training

The University provides funds for obtaining training to attain or improve skills in the form of attendance at seminars, workshops, forums etc.

Research Output

The Research Office is responsible for cultivating a research culture by developing emerging and established researchers through facilitating access to research funding and recording information on research publications for submission to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) for subsidy.

Postdoctoral Fellowships and Research Fellows

The purpose of this initiative is to develop and implement a postdoctoral programme that will attract quality Postdoctoral Fellows and potential staff members to the university. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are normally awarded to individuals within five years of having achieved a doctoral degree. The purpose of the Postdoctoral Research Fellowship is to provide an opportunity for experiential learning in research, which may serve as a path for further academic and professional development.


Click here for the Post Doctoral Application Form.

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