Varsity College Junior Campus
The Junior Secondary school is built on the foundation of Relationships, Relevance and Rigour. Each class has one or two foundation teachers for over half of the week who will get to know their students very well through focused lessons on Mathematics, English, Science, History, Geography and inquiry based investigations and projects.
The creation of a distinct Varsity College Junior Secondary school is designed to respond to the needs of students in early adolescence. Six principles which underpin the Middle School phase of education are:
– Distinct Identity – Students are encouraged and supported to develop their own group identity within the wider high school. This includes dedicated school areas and events.
– Quality Teaching – Teachers working with students in the Middle School years will be given the skills they need through additional professional development so they can support young teens through these crucial early high school years.
– Student Wellbeing – We will meet the social and emotional needs of Middle School students with a strong focus on pastoral care. Students in our Middle School are based in a Foundation classroom with a Foundation classroom teacher for most of their learning. Routines and school processes are adjusted to meet the needs of students.
– Parent and Community Involvement – We encourage parents to stay connected with their students’ learning when they enter high school. Parent involvement in special events, award ceremonies, leadership presentations and parent partnership meetings are welcomed.
– Leadership – Leadership roles are available for Years 7, 8 and 9 students.
Students in the Varsity College Junior Secondary school have the opportunity to possess their own laptop to support and enhance their learning – anywhere, anytime. This program will allow students to have their own tablet technology, 24 hours a day, with curriculum and learning experiences focused within an on-line, collaborative environment.
Our laptop program is an amazing opportunity for students to increase their access to a range of learning resources and enable them to utilise a tool which provides them with a platform to enrich their learning experiences. On the students’ laptops, parents are encouraged to engage in their child’s learning program that will contain summaries of learning sequences, assessment requirements, curriculum links, as well as enrichment and support materials.
We look forward to the opportunity to provide a high quality education to all students in these very important years of development. Please contact us if we can assist you further in any way.
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