Are There Wolves in South Africa?

We’ve all heard stories of wolves in South Africa. Stories suggest they were intended for crossbreeding with German Shepherds and other large dog breeds, to produce a powerful, fear-inspiring crowd control dog. The wild wolf is being used by unscrupulous breeders to crossbreed with dogs, in the hope that these cross-breed dogs will supposedly become better guard dogs. This is so far from the truth as to be ridiculous, especially for a shy animal like the wild wolf.
How Many Wolves Are In South Africa?
The number of wolf dogs in South Africa is unknown at present. Close to two dozen specimens, most of them Gray, but also European (“Russian”) and Arctic ones. In regions with hot summers their thick winter coats protect them from overheating, while during mild winters they enjoy romping around in skimpy summer dresses.
Does South Africa Climate Support Wolves?
There are innumerable additional environmental concerns, as well as numerous pressures and conservation issues facing various species in South Africa. Read the news and observe how many pets are being sold or given away for adoption because their owners no longer want them or are able to care for them. This issue is made worse by dishonest breeders who keep producing hybrids for sale as exotic pets. The lack of knowledge among owners of wolves and wolf-dogs regarding what to do with their animals once they reached sexual maturity .The initial importers of the wolves into South Africa were the ones who acted irresponsibly.
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Does Crossbreeding Affect Wolves?
In South Africa, captive wolves are bred only in very small numbers, mostly just to keep bloodlines alive. Some end up in the hands of private people who lack the knowledge needed to give them proper care. Wolves are not accustomed to our climatic condition in our country, yet, they have managed to thrive, thanks to their high adaptability – though not without undue stress and trauma! While, so it is said, the crossbreeding projects failed dismally and all crosses were eventually destroyed, some of the original wolves ended up in zoos or private hands. A few of these really found good homes, and reproduction took place in very small numbers, without any publicity whatsoever. Until today, private wolf owners in South Africa keep a very low profile, act in silence and mostly very responsibly.
Are They Be Given A Better Habitat Shelter In South Africa?
It’s unfortunate to know that, these crossbreed wolves, especially the wolf dogs are not given shelters here in South Africa. Wolves, having once enjoyed the freedom to roam vast plains in their homelands, are now forced into captivity here in South Africa; tied up in backyards, chained to “running wires” and enclosed in electrified fenced enclosures. The sad reality is that we can NEVER send them back home! The wolves in our sanctuary have been brought up in domestic environments and they have no experience of living in the wild.