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MBA South Africa
Study MBA in South Africa

How Much is a Dog in South Africa

If you’re looking to buy a dog, you’ve likely thought about what breed you’d like to adopt. But have you ever considered where in South Africa you can buy one? Puppies cost more than other pets, so before getting one as a gift or for your own pet needs, do your research on how much an adult dog costs in different parts of the country.

In Cape Town, the price of a commonly coloured puppy is between R25,000 and R30,000,

In Cape Town, the price of a commonly coloured puppy is between R25,000 and R30,000. The value depends on the breed and how popular it is.

In Johannesburg, where dogs are more common than in other townships across South Africa because of its large population density (and thus availability), you can expect to pay anywhere between R20 000 -R40 000 for your new best friend.

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In Johannesburg, the price range is between R30,000 and R50,000.

The price of a puppy depends on the colour. A black dog will be more expensive than an orange one because they’re harder to breed and therefore rarer.

The price of a puppy also depends on where you buy it from. If you buy your dog from a reputable breeder, then chances are that their prices will be higher than those at pet shops or online retailers because they know what to charge for their dogs to sell well.

Potential buyers need to know about the breed before buying one as there are many breeds available today which can make finding just the right one difficult at first glance – especially if someone doesn’t know much about them beforehand!

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Puppies in exotic colours fetch higher prices.

If you’re looking to buy a puppy, it’s important to know that many factors affect the price of your new pet. Your choice of breed and colour can make all the difference in how much you pay for it.

Exotic colours include:

  • Blue
  • Green/Gold/Red
  • Brown and Tan (also known as “red”)

Common colours include: * Black * Red & White * Yellow & White Uncommon colours include: * Blue with cream chest hairs (this combination is also called “blue” because they look like blue eyes staring out at us)

How much is a puppy in South Africa

A puppy costs a lot of money. The price of a puppy depends on the breed, colour and where you buy it from.

A standard poodle will cost between R2 000 and R3 000 (about $200), while a breed show winner can be sold for up to R10 000 ($1 500).

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A litter of Keeshond puppies can cost between R5 000 and R7 000 ($600-800) depending on their size, coat colour, parents’ names, etc.


If you’re looking for a new puppy to have as part of your family, then South Africa can be a great place to start. It’s full of different breeds with different personalities and it’s easy to find a breeder who will help you find the right type of dog for your home.

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