The HHSIC Collection is a subset of the Tshwane University of Technology library collection and can be searched through the LIS Online Library Catalogue
- Access to electronic sport information
The HHSIC acts as a gateway to sport related electronic information services and resources.
TUT staff and students, and registered external members of the HHSI may use the collection onsite for research purposes. Study tables and two PCs with printers are available inside the Centre.
If you have a reference question, please email it to Be sure to include a phone number where you can be reached during business hours.
Photocopies made as part of the research will be charged at minimum cost. The client will pay for shipping costs. The estimated fee must be paid in advance by VISA or MasterCard.
Due to the limited number of books currently in the collection, only duplicate titles may be borrowed.
There are two ways to borrow information sources from the HHSIC.
As the HHSIC develops more and more services will be offered.