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Adopting a Child in South Africa: The Process, Laws, and Costs

Adopting a Child in South Africa: The Process, Laws, and Costs

Adopting a Child in South Africa: The Process, Laws, and Costs
Adopting a Child in South Africa: The Process, Laws, and Costs


Photo by moonbhuyan on Pixabay

Adoption is the process through which an individual or individuals assume responsibility for another person, giving them a home and parental rights. There are various types of adoption, however, international adoption from developing nations is one that has been on the rise in recent years. South Africa is home to many orphaned children that have been abandoned by their parents due to financial strain, HIV/AIDS pandemic, or other tragic circumstances. Laws governing adoption vary from country to country. This article provides information about adoption in general and adoption from South Africa specifically. If you are interested in adopting a child from South Africa, this article will help you understand your options and the processes involved.

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What is international adoption?

Adoption occurs when someone other than a child’s biological parent(s) assumes responsibility for his or her care and custody. When the adoption occurs between countries, it is known as international adoption. In recent years, there has been an increase in international adoptions from developing countries, particularly those in Africa. This is due to the fact that there are many children in these countries who have been abandoned or orphaned due to financial strain, HIV/AIDS pandemic, or other tragic circumstances.

Who can adopt from South Africa?

There are no age restrictions for prospective parents when adopting from South Africa. However, married couples are given priority and single women are discouraged from adopting. There are certain criteria that must be met, however, and potential parents must be aware of the costs associated with adoption from South Africa. These include the application fees, travel costs, and, of course, the costs of caring for the child after adoption.

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Adoption process in South Africa

First and foremost, before even beginning the adoption process, prospective parents must apply to a South African adoption agency and receive a referral. South Africa is a member of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption which means that prospective parents must work with an accredited adoption agency in order to adopt. Once you’ve been matched with a child, you’ll need to complete the application process, which includes a home study and medical/psychological evaluations. This process takes, on average, between one and two years to complete.

Cost of Adopting from South Africa

The average cost of adopting from South Africa is $30,000 and does not include travel costs. When adopting from abroad, the costs are higher than when adopting from within the United States because of legal fees, travel costs, and other expenses.

Final Words: Adoption is a wonderful thing

The process of adoption is long and arduous, but, for many, it is also extremely rewarding. Adoption is a wonderful thing that allows individuals to give a child a stable home and a future filled with hope and promise.

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