UNISA Undergraduate Qualifications 2025-2026
The University of South Africa (Unisa) offers a wide range of courses across various fields, making it a versatile choice for students looking to pursue higher education through distance learning. Unisa’s extensive program offerings include certificates, diplomas, undergraduate degrees, and postgraduate programs, catering to a diverse student population with varying educational needs and career aspirations.
Overview of UNISA Colleges and Course Offerings:
Colleges at Unisa:
- College of Accounting Sciences (CAS)
- Recognized by South African and international financial institutions.
- Offers a range of accounting and financial qualifications.
- College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES)
- Focuses on food production and management of natural resources.
- College of Economic and Management Sciences (CEMS)
- Known for top-quality business education in Africa.
- College of Education (CEDU)
- Major contributor to teacher training in South Africa.
- College of Graduate Studies
- Enhances postgraduate student numbers and academic performance.
- College of Human Sciences (CHS)
- Offers courses in religion, theology, humanities, social sciences, and arts.
- College of Law (CLAW)
- Prepares students for legal professions with career-oriented qualifications.
- College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (CSET)
- Includes Unisa IT courses and qualifications in science, engineering, and technology.
Types of Programs Offered:
- Certificate Courses:
- Range from Higher Certificates (e.g., Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences, Law, Marketing) to Advanced Certificates.
- Diplomas:
- Includes both regular diplomas (e.g., Diploma in Law, Information Technology, Public Relations) and National Diplomas in various engineering fields.
- Undergraduate Degrees:
- Bachelor’s degrees in various fields such as Accounting Sciences, Administration, Arts, Commerce, and more.
- Postgraduate Programs:
- Postgraduate Certificates, Honours, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in diverse disciplines.
General Admission Requirements:
While specific requirements vary per program, general criteria include:
- For Certificate and Diploma Courses:
- National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent qualification.
- Meeting specific academic criteria for the chosen program.
- For Undergraduate Degrees:
- NSC with admission to bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
- Meeting the specific requirements of the chosen field of study.
- For Postgraduate Programs:
- Relevant undergraduate qualification for Honours or Postgraduate Certificate.
- Honours degree or equivalent for Master’s programs.
- Master’s degree for Doctoral studies.
- Supporting Documents:
- Certified copies of academic records, ID or passport, and other relevant documents.
Application Process:
- Applications are typically submitted online through the Unisa website.
- Prospective students need to provide personal details, academic records, and pay the application fee.
- Postgraduate applicants may need to submit additional documents like research proposals.
Apply for admission
Unisa offers an extensive range of courses across various levels of study, from undergraduate to postgraduate degrees. Here is a more comprehensive list of courses offered by Unisa in various faculties:
1. College of Accounting Sciences:
Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences
Diploma in Accounting Sciences
Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Internal Auditing, and Taxation
Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Accounting Sciences
Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Accounting Sciences
2. College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences:
Diploma in Animal Health
Bachelor of Agricultural Management
Bachelor of Environmental Sciences
Postgraduate qualifications in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
3. College of Economic and Management Sciences:
Higher Certificate in Economic and Management Sciences
Diplomas in various fields like Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Public Relations
Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Finance, and Economics
Bachelor of Administration
Postgraduate Diplomas, Honours, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in Management Sciences
4. College of Education:
Higher Certificate in Adult Basic Education and Training
Diploma in Grade R Teaching
Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase, Senior Phase, and Further Education and Training Teaching
Postgraduate Certificate in Education
Honours, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in Education
5. College of Human Sciences:
Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work, Human and Social Studies
Diplomas in Youth Development, and Paralegal Studies
Bachelor of Arts in various majors including Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work
Honours, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in Human Sciences
6. College of Law:
Higher Certificate in Law
Diploma in Law
Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
Postgraduate Diplomas in specialized areas of Law
Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Law
7. College of Science, Engineering, and Technology:
Higher Certificate in Life and Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences, Information Technology
Diplomas in Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Computing, Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, and Engineering
Honours, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in Science, Engineering, and Technology
8. College of Graduate Studies:
Offers various postgraduate qualifications including Honours, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees across different disciplines.
Short Learning Programmes:
These are shorter courses designed to provide skills and knowledge in specific areas and are available across various fields.
- The list above is not exhaustive and is subject to change. New courses may be added and others may be phased out.
- For specific details about each course, including admission requirements and course content, please visit Unisa’s official website or contact their admissions office.
See Also:
- University of South Africa UNISA International Students Admissions
- UNISA Honours degrees & postgraduate diplomas
- UNISA Master’s & doctoral degrees Application
- Short Learning Programmes UNISA
- Students with disabilities UNISA
- Student fees and funding your studies unisa
- Student policies & rules
- TVET colleges Application @ UNISA
- University of South Africa Prospectus
- How Unisa Works
- Unisa how to apply
- Unisa Online Registration Guidelines
- UNISA Admission Requirements
- Step-by-step guide to access MyUnisa
- Step-by-step guide to access myLife Email Address (UNISA)
- Unisa How Many Years To Complete Degree
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- how does unisa year mark work
- how does unisa year modules work
- how to pay unisa via eft
- unisa how to defer
- how to track unisa registration
- how to check unisa registration status
- how to reference unisa
- how to retrieve unisa student number
- How to Quit unisa
- How Good is Unisa Llb
- How Good is Unisa
- Unisa how to Pay Fees
- How Much is Unisa Application Fee
- How Long Does Unisa Take to Respond to Applications
- How to Check Unisa Application Status
- How to Download Unisa Study Material
- Unisa how to Register
- How Much Is Unisa Registration Fee
- How to Edit Unisa Registration
- How is Unisa Ranked in South Africa
- how to Get Unisa Academic Record
- How to Get Unisa Results
- How to get Unisa Past Exam Papers
- How to Defer Unisa Exam
- How to Change Unisa Exam Venue
- How to Pass Unisa Exams
- How to Setup Unisa Email
- How to Enrol Unisa
- Unisa how to Apply for Exemption
- How to Check Unisa Student Number
- Unisa How to Change Qualification
- Unisa How Many Modules Per Semester
- How Unisa Credits Work
- Where are the Unisa Assignment Boxes
- Where is Unisa Regional Office
- Where to pay unisa Study fees
- Where to Pay Unisa Application fee
- Where is Unisa Library
- Where To Get Unisa Student Card
- Where are Unisa Graduations held
- Where to Email Unisa Proof of Payment
- Where to Download Unisa Study Material