Title: BANKSETA CPUT Bursary: Empowering Education and Skills Development
Introduction: The Banking Sector Education and Training Authority (BankSETA) and the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) have joined forces to offer a bursary programme for the academic year. BankSETA, a statutory body established to promote skills development in the banking sector, focuses on youth and adult education, SMEs, and continuous professional development. CPUT, a renowned institution known for education, technology, and innovation, offers a wide range of accredited programs across various disciplines.
Qualifications Covered: The BANKSETA CPUT Bursary Programme provides financial assistance to students pursuing the following qualifications at CPUT:
Diploma in the following fields:
- Information & Communication Technology: Communications Networks
- Information & Communication Technology: Applications Development
- Human Resource Management (including ext. programme)
- Management
- Marketing (including ext. programme)
- Business & Information Administration (including ext. programme)
Advanced Diploma in the following fields:
- Information & Communication Technology: Communication Networks
- Information & Communication Technology: Application Development
- Human Resource Development
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing
- Business & Information Administration
Eligibility Criteria: To be considered for the BANKSETA CPUT Bursary, applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Completion of Matric (Grade 12)
- Registration to study at CPUT for the academic year
- Registration for one of the mentioned qualifications
Application Process:
Applicants must submit their applications online via the BankSETA CPUT Bursary Application portal. When applying online, the following documents may be required:
- Certified copy of ID document
- Certified copy of Matric certificate
- Proof of registration at CPUT
Closing Date and Contact Information:
The closing date for the BANKSETA CPUT Bursary is 7 May. It is important to submit applications before the closing date to ensure consideration.
For any inquiries regarding the bursary program, applicants should contact the respective bursary providers directly:
BankSETA: Telephone: 011 805 8348 / 011 805 9661
CPUT: Telephone: 021 959 6767 Email: info@cput.co.za
The BANKSETA CPUT Bursary aims to support students pursuing selected diploma and advanced diploma qualifications at CPUT. Interested applicants should carefully review the eligibility criteria and complete the online application process. For any additional information or clarifications, applicants are encouraged to contact the respective bursary providers directly.