Title: Seriti Bursary Programme: Empowering Students in Mining and Related Fields
Introduction: Seriti is a prominent South African mining company that is 91% black-owned. The company is co-owned by four black shareholders, including Community Investment Holdings (CIH), Thebe Investments, Zungu Investments (Zico), and Masimong Group. With a workforce of over 3,000 direct employees and 3,000 contractors, Seriti operates three mines: New Vaal, New Denmark, and Kriel. As part of their commitment to transformation and skills development, Seriti offers a bursary programme to support students in various fields of study.
Bursary Details: Seriti invites students to apply for their Bursary Programme for the 2023 academic year. The bursaries are awarded for studies in the following fields:
- Corporate and Community Relations
- Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current) & Mechanical Engineering
- Environment
- Finance
- Geology
- Human Resources
- Metallurgy
- Occupational Hygiene (VOHE)
- Rock Engineering
- Survey
Eligibility Criteria: To be considered for the Seriti bursary, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- South African citizenship.
- Completion of Matric.
- Enrolled in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th year, or Honours of study in one of the listed fields.
- Registered and studying at a recognized and accredited South African tertiary institution (University of Science or University of Technology).
- Minimum current academic results of 60%.
- Not receiving any other bursary funding.
- Not studying towards a bridging course/foundation program.
- Preference given to students in Seriti’s communities.
- Advantageous: Temporary working experience in the field of study (vacation work) and understanding of relevant legislation in the mining industry.
Application Process: To apply for the Seriti bursary, follow these steps:
- Visit the Seriti Bursary Application 2023 webpage and complete the online application.
- In the field asking how you heard about the Seriti Bursary, enter “Uni24.co.za.”
- Attach clear copies of the required supporting documents, including your ID document, full academic record for the 2022 academic year, brief Curriculum Vitae (in PDF format), proof of registration/acceptance letter at a tertiary institution, and proof of residence.
- Ensure that the attached documents are certified within the last three months.
- Submit the completed application online.
It’s recommended to use the Google Chrome browser when applying to enable the attachment of documents.
Bursary Coverage, Obligations & Selection: The Seriti bursary covers tuition fees, a book allowance, accommodation allowance, and meal allowance. However, it does not cover failed subjects or modules from previous years or outstanding tuition fees with interest.
As part of the bursary contract, students are required to:
- Pass their studies.
- Partake in vacation work if required.
- Fulfill the work-back obligation after graduation.
Shortlisted candidates will be contacted within 30 days of the closing date. If no feedback is received within this timeframe, consider the application unsuccessful.
Application Deadline:
The closing date for the Seriti bursary is 20 January 2023. Ensure that your application is submitted before this date to be considered.
Contact Information:
For any inquiries regarding the Seriti bursary programme, contact Seriti directly through the following channels:
- Head Office:
- Tel: 011 047 7000
- Email: info@seritiza.com
- Contact page: https://seritiza.com/contact/
The Seriti Bursary Programme provides valuable financial support to students pursuing studies in mining-related fields. By offering bursaries, Seriti aims to empower individuals, contribute to skills development, and promote transformation in the mining industry. If you meet the eligibility criteria, seize this opportunity to apply and advance your education with the support of Seriti.